Chapter 14

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-April 5, 2015-

"So, your mom is Tasha?" Sophiea asked. They were laying under a tree in the Hallett Nature Sanctuary in central park. They had taken thier shoes off and were studying the clouds.

"Yeah. She's awesome isn't she? My family is amazing." Nathanial sighed. "You know that already though."

A duck quacked in the pond and Sophiea breathed in the smell of trees and rain. "So, how long have you worked at shield?"

"Since I was 15. Although, I had started to go with mom when I was 10 or 11. I've always wanted to be an agent. How 'bout you?"

"Just a year or so. But Phil and Nick are my godfathers and I live with the avengers, so I got to go to work with them a lot. It was nice."

Lights started to go on as dusk fell around the city.

"You look stunning tonight. I forgot to mention, but yeah. You're beautiful."

She felt a blush spread up her cheeks. "Thanks. You don't look too terrible yourself."

They sat in silence, basking in each other's presence.

Thunder rumbled across the park and a light rain began to fall. Nathanial smiled and got to his feet. "May I have this dance my lady?"

Sophiea grinned and took his hand. He pulled her up and started a slow waltz around the small clearing. Her shoes lay forgotten under the tree as he twirled her around.

Their dance continued as the rain began to come down more. Lightning cracked against the sky. The couple's laugh filled the clearing as they spun and twirled to the beat of thunder and the melody of water droplets hitting the leaves and splashing in the pond.

A sudden burst of rain drenched the already wet teens. Sophiea looked up at Nat, who's wet hair hung down in his eyes.

"We should get a cab and head back to the tower."

"Agreed. I'll grab our shoes if you just start running."

Sophiea took off at a sprint to the entrance to the park where cars were racing by on the street. "TAXI!" She called, reaching her hands up, trying to signal one of the cars in the dark. She felt a familiar figure behind her also trying to hail a taxi.

As a car began to pull to the curb, Sophiea was turned around by her date. Rain made it hard to see him but before she knew it, lips were pressed against hers. A gasp escaped her lips. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck; deepening the kiss.

The car waiting for them honked and Sophiea let go. She climbed into the car, Nathanial following close behind.

"200 park avenue please." The taxi sped off in the rain.


From the top floor of the tower music was blasting. On the busy streets of New York, Sophiea could hear the pounding of the base and the lights flashing.

"Wow, what a party." Nathanial laughed from behind her. "I think we head up and crash it."

"I'm down for that. Let's go." They pushed open the doors to the tower together and made their way to the elevator.

The doors dinged open and they climbed onto the elevator.

"I'm sorry. I was in the moment and I kissed you."

"Why are you sorry for that?"

"Because I didn't ask first. That's not very gentlemanly. What if you didn't want me to kiss you. Gosh I feel like such a jerk."

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