Chapter 29

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-October 19, 2017-

"Stay here Sophiea. We don't know how dangerous this could be. I'm going to go scout it out." Thor whispered to his oldest daughter. "Go stay on that chair. I'll be back."

"But dad,"

"Sophiea. Do as I say."

She nodded and went to sit on the couch. Her father walked up the staircase. As he left her line of sight, she heard him talking to someone new. Talking and clanging, a thud. Sophiea shot to her feet and stared at the ceiling as the thuds and the talking moved around on the second floor with no rhyme or reason.

The man came floating down the stairs, a long red cape flew behind him. Her father came rolling down the stairs. "We could have walked."

The man looked at him. "Oh yeah, I guess we could have." He waved his hands in the air, creating gold lines, then a window to a grassy plain. "He's in Norway. Oh, Hello Miss. Odinsen. I'm assuming you're going to go too." She nodded.

"I'm going to need my brother back."

"Oh, right." he flicked his wrist at the ceiling and a man in black came falling from a gold hole that opened.

"I have been falling for 30 minuets!!" Loki jumped to feet, pulling out his knife. "Who are you?" Sophiea let out a shaky breath and her father turned to her. "Who are you?"

"I-I." She opened her mouth and closed it again, unable to think of anything to say. "I'm, I'm." She looked to Thor, who nodded encouragingly. "I'm Sophiea."

Loki's knifes disappeared. He looked up at Thor, tears welling in his eyes. "My Sophiea?" He walked towards her. "My baby." She stood still, trying not to cry as he approached.

"Dad." She whispered.

He cupped her face in his hands, brushing away her tears. "You are my Sophiea. You look just like your mother."

She moved suddenly, hugging her father. "You remember me."

"Oh, baby. How could I ever forget you?"

The man in the red cloak suddenly spoke up. "Ok. I'm done. Please get out of my house." The golden portal flew towards them, sending them to the grassy cliff. 

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