Chapter 25

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-June 27, 2016-

"You guys, we need to be put under control. We're dangerous."

"You're dangerous Tony. All we do is go pick up your messes!"

"Well who was the one who trashed Washington D.C.? I'll give you a hint. IT WASN'T ME. Who created that monster that tried to kill all of you yesterday? Once again. Not me. Both of those are on you Steve."

"They are calling them the Sokovia accords. You were the one who created Ultron and destroyed Sokovia."

"You were there too!"

Sophiea banged her head on the table, listening to the same fight that had been repeated twice. This time around, most of the team had chosen a side, and arguments were heard everywhere.

"Ladies, Ladies, you're both pretty, how about we sit down and actually FREAKING listen to each other." No one payed attention to her and she let out a scream of frustration. "SHUT UP!" All eyes in the room turned to look at her. "Thank you. Now sit down and listen to what everyone has to say."

The fighting recommenced, even louder this time. "I'm so done. See you later." She stormed out of the room and down the hall, to the courtyard.

She took a deep breath and started to sing softly. A familiar melody flowed from her. More often than not, her mother would come and sing the song to her as she fell asleep. The words comforted her as she looked to the sky to see 2 jets fly off. One headed to a signing in Vienna, the other to London, for a funeral.


She could hear the muffled talking of Vision and Wanda through the wall. They seemed to be arguing over dinner. Sophiea rolled over on the bed and tried to go to sleep. She wanted to go out, but Vision had been too protective today and the day before and the day before that. All week to be precise. She didn't want to face him again.

The talking stopped and it was quiet, then there was a new voice. Sophiea got out of bed and crept to the door. Just as she put her hand on the doorknob, it was thrown open.

"Clint! What are you doing here?"

"I'm leading a jail break apparently. Come on. Cap needs our help." She ran with him down the hallway to see Wanda thrust Vision into the floor, taking concrete and carpet with him. All three of them sprinted to the jet Clint had parked outside the compound.

"Remind me to stay on your good side."

"Very funny Sophiea."

"I know. I'm hilarious."


They rushed onto the jet and Sophiea felt a rush of relief when she saw everyone's suits hanging up in an orderly row.

"Awesome. Wow. You guys are the Avengers." The man came out from the cockpit and stared in awe at the girls as Clint got ready for take-off.

"Um, who are you?" Wanda glared at her friend for talking to the stranger.

"Oh, hey, I'm Scott. Scott Lang."

"Hello Scott. I'm Sophiea. This is my friend Wanda. What do you do, like what's your super power?"

"I can go really small or really big. I'm Ant-Man!" He struck a dramatic pose, Wanda rolled her eyes and went to go help Clint, and Sophiea burst out laughing.

"It's nice to meet you Scott."

"Right back at ya Sophiea."

"Well, since we'll be fighting, I might as well try to sleep." She turned to yell at Clint. "Where are the blankets?"

"Under the seats. And if they aren't there they would be in the little closet."

She grabbed a big fluffy blue blanket and curled up in a corner. She closed her eyes and let sleep take her.



There was no response.

She looked around to see the black. So much black. Eve was there, Eve was crying. Tasha was there, she was sobbing.

"No. I have to get out. Oh gosh. Sophiea, wake up." She pinched herself and pulled at her hair. She could feel the fear and sadness creeping in on her.

She crept around the people and saw the pictures of Nathanial. The lack of a coffin still unnerved her. They didn't have a body to burry. By the time a rescue team went to go help, the building was abandoned.

"This isn't funny!" Sophiea screamed. "I'm done, move on!"

The scene shifted and she let out a shaky sigh of relief. Until she saw her mother and father. Loki and Kaitia. She was sitting on a bench in a park, her hair flowing in the wind, and tears trickle down her cheeks from closed eyes. Her husband was walking up behind her. He sat down with his back to her, while still being by her side and started to talk.

"Look at where we are. It's so far from where we started. Listen, I know I don't deserve you, but just hear me out, if I could go back I would. If I could go back everything would be fine right now. I don't pretend to know the pain you're facing. I know we can't replace what we lost, and you need time. I'm not afraid. I know who I married. Just let me stay here. Let me sit by your side. That's all I need." They sat there in a moment of silence, before he started to get up.

She reached out and touched his hand. "Stay. Please stay."

He sat back down, and she leaned up against him. "Do you like it uptown? It's quiet uptown."

"It is quiet uptown." More tears escaped her eyes. "Loki, it's like a piece of me is missing now. I wasn't supposed to lose him." Her voice broke. "We were so far along. We knew he was ours. And now he's gone." She touched her stomach and Sophiea gasped in understanding.

"I know. I know." Tears crept down his face as he rocked his wife back and forth. "I know darling."

"4 months wasn't enough time. I wanted more time." she broke down into a fit of sobs. "All I wanted to do was hold my baby. I just wanted to be a mother."

"I know darling."

The scene shifted once more and Sophiea was in a small room her mother. The older woman was sitting on the floor, leaning up against the wall, her legs pressed to her chest. Time had passed. Her hair was longer, fuller. The circles under her eyes were deeper.

"It's going to be fine." She whispered to herself, Sophiea was aware that her mother wouldn't be able to see her this time.

"It's ok." She reached up and pulled something off the nightstand. "No matter what this says, we are not replacing him." She flipped the stick over, gasped and her eyes filled with tears.

"Oh baby." she laid a hand on her stomach. "It's ok. This is what we wanted. Oh gosh. What is Loki going to say?"

She stood up and flung the test on the bed and rushed out of the room. Sophiea walked over and looked at the plastic stick. 2 clear lines.

Suddenly she was losing the image of the room. She opened her eyes and realized she was no longer in the jet, but in a large van and Wanda was shaking her awake.

"What's going on?"

"It's time to go. It's time to fight." 

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