Chapter 10

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-April 3, 2015-

"I was wondering when you would stop by." Keaston looked up at the young lady as Sophiea walked into the small holding cell.

"What did you mean this morning? When you said I reminded you of someone. Who were you talking about?"

He let out a short laugh, but then all joking left his face. An expression of guilt and sadness overcame his features. "You don't know. They haven't told you, have they? You don't know what I'm talking about." he sat back and ran a hand through his hair. "I never thought it would happen like this."

"What are you talking about?"

"Come closer." He whispered and came up to the glass. He looked around before speaking again. "It's dangerous here. You have to get out. Leave. You don't understand what happens behind closed doors. Trust no one."

She backed up. "You're insane."

"You don't even know who you really are."

Sophiea's back hit the door and she fumbled to turn the knob. "You deserve to be in here."

"I might be, that doesn't mean I'm not right. All I know is your life has never been the same since I did what I did. If you don't believe me ask the man who was locked up next door." Sopheia rushed into the hallway, his maniacal laughter echoing through her mind.

"Can we go?" She whispered to Nathanial who nodded and took her arm and led her out the door.

"You look exhausted, promise me you'll go home and go straight to bed." He turned her around to stare at him in the eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah. I promise. Do I need to call a taxi, or?"

"Phil is out waiting for you." They started walking out to the parking garage. "Are you going to be here tomorrow? We could take our lunch break together. I think that would be fun."

"I'm still in school actually, so, I'll be here at like 3. I'd be down for a mid-afternoon snack though."

"Ok. I'll ask Fury to find your office tomorrow. Do you need me to do anything else before I go home?"

"Keaston said something about the guy in the cell next to him. Will you check it out for me?" Sophiea looked around and saw her godfather waving her down. "Anyway, thank you for a wonderful week. I had fun." She hugged him tightly and waved as she walked away again.

A small smile crossed his face as he waved back and watched her climb in the car and drive away.

"Hey Phil. What do you know about Keaston? I didn't get a full mission report and was just wondering what he did that was so wrong."

"He's worked with HYDRA for many years. For a while we had constant tabs on him. One of our best agents was on his case; not to bring him in, but to keep him distracted; keep an eye on him."

Sophiea nodded following along. "What happened? That doesn't seem like a good enough excuse to bring him in years later."

"Well, like I said we had our best agent on the case. Fury thought of her like a daughter, she was like my sister. We had a little family here. There was this one weekend back in '91 when we chased around a super powered chick in California." Phil smiled, lost in memories of the past. "The thing is she was high up on the totem pole." Then his expression went dark. "He was the reason for her death."

He let out a shaky breath and Sophiea placed a hand on his arm. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

"No, it's ok." He paused again, regaining control of his emotions. "I had no control over it. All I could do was sit back and watch."

"It's no problem Phil. I'm sorry you lost her."

"Don't be Sopheia. There is nothing you could have done to change it." They pulled up to the familiar building. "Here we are. Avengers Tower. Home of the lovely Sophiea Odinson."

"Thank you for the drive Phil. Now, I'll just grab my bag and see you tomorrow at the office." She said as she climbed out of the car on the 3rd floor parking leval.

"Not on my watch. You got shot. So, I'll grab the bags and you'll head up and put your pajamas on."

"That's cold." She laughed as she made her way to the elevator.

"You know it's because I love you." He called after her. She scanned her badge, climbed on the elevator and was shot towards the penthouse loft where the avengers lived. As the doors opened, she was met with a scene of chaos.

Clint was trying to put out a fire in the kitchen, Tasha and Bruce were chasing down Morgan, Steve was on the phone plugging one ear and straining to talk to the person on the other end, and Tony was filming everything from his spot lounging on the living room floor.

"Hey guys, I'm home." Everything froze when she spoke. No one moved, and it was clear no one expected her to walk through the door.

"Sophiea!" A familiar voice called and she turned to come face to face with her sister. It must have been Thor's weekend to have her. "Why it's so good to see you Miss. Ditch-the-family. When will you leave us for your stupid work again?"

"Listen, I'm tired and I really don't want to deal with your unkindness. So please, be quiet."

Tony gasped. "Someone broke her! Where did the snark and the fire go?" He came running over and placed a hand to her forehead. "Are you sick?"

"The snark and fire? I think it was blown away with that bullet." Sophiea's godfather said. The elevator closed behind him and he smiled at her. Her face molded into an expression of fear and she gently shook her head, telling him not to say another word.

Steve put the phone down. "You got shot? What were you doing?" He came over and pulled her to one of the couches. "Rest. I'll go get some water."

Bruce was the next one to wander over. He knelt down at her knees. "I'm assuming you got all patched up at SHILD, but if you need a note to get out of PE or a check-up or something, I'll be here until Monday."

"Thanks." She stood and brushed out her dress. "Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to go sleep." She mock bowed and rushed to her room, where she collapsed on her bed and was asleep in moments.  

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