Chapter 32

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-June 29, 2018-

"Hello darling." Sophiea recognized the soft voice almost instantly. The redhead smiled lovingly at her daughter.

"Mom." Sophiea whispered. She was wrapped in a tight hug. "What is it this time? Do you have something to tell me?"

"No, I like to think that it's because we don't have much time, this time." She reached out and hugged her daughter. "I cannot help you much now. Just be strong."

"The war is over mom."

"You have to be strong for me, be strong for your dad."

"The war is over. I don't have to be strong anymore. I have dad and I can see you."

"Be strong darling. I love you. Tell your dad I love him."

"But mom-" She didn't get to finish before she woke up on a bed in an unknown room. Her arm had been bandaged and taken care of, but she was still wearing the blood-stained gold dress. There was no one in the room, so she stood and slowly made her way to where she heard a mummer of voices.

"Brother, do you really think it a wise idea to take me to earth?"

"I don't see why not. You could stay at the tower, raise Sophiea."

"I attacked earth. They will still be mad. That's what humans are good at, keeping grudges. Trust me, I was married to one."

"It will be fine brother."

Sophiea stood at the door listen to the conversation when she heard a gasp. Screams were heard from down the hallway.

"Brother, what is that?"

"Thor, we have to get Sophiea." There were footsteps running towards the door and it was thrown open. A frantic Loki was in front of her, tears pooled in her eyes. "You have to go. Come on."

He grabbed her and dragged her down the hallway into an open room where the entire population of Asgard was gathered. From the windows lining the far wall Sophiea could see a huge ship.

The ship she was on could easily hold everyone, but the fortress she saw was dwarfing theirs. She turned to her dad, who was pale and reached for her hand. "We really have to go." He began to pull her towards the pods. "Everyone we have to go. Bright the women and children, get to the pods!"

The group ran to the small enclosed area, kissing and hugging their loved ones. Families were pulled apart as the mad scramble for the safety ensued. Loki pushed Valkyrie into the pod then he turned to his daughter.

"No." She whispered as she realized what he was doing. "You have to come with me. Dad. I can't loose you."

He didn't meet her eyes, her pleading stare. Instead he let go of her hand. "It's Thanos. That's his ship. He will kill everyone here. I can't let that be you."

A sob caught in her throat. "No. Please don't leave me."

He looked up, holding her in his gaze. "Your mother would be so proud of you. She would be so proud of the young woman you have become. She would be just as proud as I am."

"Dad." She could barely choke out the word before he gently pushed her into the pod.

"I have and always will love you Sophiea. My beautiful daughter." He pressed a kiss to her forehead and gently put an object in her hand. He stepped back. The door to the pod closed and they were shot into the darkness of space.

The Asgardian refugees stood in silence.

No one breathed.

Worry sunk in.

Suddenly a blast from the large ship hit the one where thier family was. Where they just were.

There were screams.

Sopheia stood in shock.

She was numb.

They could see flames coming from their ship. It was over. There was no saving them now.

The pod began to move. Slowly, yes. But it started to move. They turned to the controls, a destination was selected.


They were headed to Earth.

There was a tug at the hem of Sophiea's sleeve. She turned and crouched down to be eye leval with the small child.

The child had grime smeared on his face. Tears streaked through the dust and dirt. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

"You're the princess. You have to know."

Valkrie looked at her in wonder. "You're the princess? Is that who you are? Because the princes are dead. They were on that ship. Is he telling the truth? Are you really the princess?"

"I am."

"Then all hail Sophiea. Sophiea, queen of Asgard." The small group murmured.

But there was still a piece of her heart, burning and longing.


"Who am I?"

Sophiea Will Return 

Who am IWhere stories live. Discover now