Chapter 28

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-October 19, 2017-

"Peirce. This is crazy." Sophiea studied the man pacing back and forth. His expression was filled with panic and occasionally his voice broke. This was a whole new side to Keaston.

"Who do you work for again. Me. Listen, she knows too much. It's simple you just need to hook up your computer to the shield main frame. I'll do the rest of the work." The voice over the phone shot back.

Keaston stopped in front of a dresser filled with pictures. He held one and admired it before setting it down. Sophiea picked it up and looked at the familiar faces. From left to right it was her mom, in a sparkling blue dress; a woman who Sophiea recognized from the frequent dreams as her aunt, wearing white and holding a boquet, standing next to her groom; Keaston.

"You know our relationship. I promised Brianna I'd make sure Kaitia was safe."

"I know you miss your wife and you'll do anything to protect her sister, but she knows too much and needs to be dealt with."

"She knows you're Hydra. Doesn't she? That's why you want her taken down."

"Not only me, she knows most of the board is. It's too risky to continue with her alive."

The pacing stopped. "Peirce. I can't hurt her like that. I was fine distracting her and playing cat and mouse, but killing her? That's too far."

"What if I told you she retired today. No one knows why, she just up and left."

"How is that supposed to sway me?"

"You either help us, and there is a chance no one will find the leak, and she'll live, or we can kill her straight away."

"Fine. I'll do it. What do I need?"


"You said no one would find the leak. You told me she would be fine." The dream had changed, and they were in a new house, Keaston was on the phone again.

"I said it was a possibility. There was no promise."

He shook his head and glared angerly at the ceiling. "You have taken the last part of my family from me. I have nothing left."

"The ones who are detached often work the best."

"Oh, I'm not going to do your dirty work. Not anymore."


"Good luck finding me." He hung up the phone and stared out the window at the Kansas countryside. "I'm sorry."


"Miss. Wake up." A robotic voice cut through her dreams. "Miss. Sophiea."

She blearily opened her eyes. "What's up Friday?"

"It's 8:00. You slept in."

Sophiea sat up in bed. "Thanks, Fri. What's for breakfast?"

"Currently you are the only one in the tower, Miss Eve left for school an hour ago, and the Starks are not here."

"Right the business trip." She stood up, stretched, and got in the shower. An hour later she walked out of the room with wet hair. After a year and 3 months Sopheia was sick and tired of staying in the tower. "Friday, what is the weather outside today?"

"We have windows. Just open one of them."

"Oh gosh. Want some information with that sass?" Sopheia rolled her eyes and walked to the window. "Sunny. That sounds nice. How long is it until I can get out?"

"Nine months, 19 days. But-"

"I know operation Get Away, I'm not interested in breaking the law again."


"Unless it was extremely important."

"Like if the building was on fire, or if there was an attack." The robot hesitated. "Or if I told you your father and a man dressed like a witch were in New York."


"You know that old folk's home that they are tearing down?"

"Shady Acres?"

"That one."

Sophiea sprinted back into her room and threw her shoes on. "Friday, activate operation Get Away!" The anklet fell of as she ran to the elevator. "Tell Tony I'm sorry." A back pack fell from a chute in the ceiling into her hands. "Oh, and cut this from the security footage."

"It's already been done Miss. Sophiea. Stay safe. I would be devastated if you didn't come back."

"You're a robot Fri."

"I can still have feelings."

"Love you too." She left the building and was shocked by the wind. "Ok. Right. Wind is a thing. Gosh, it's cold."

She took off down the road and got to the home just in time to see her father turn a corner. "Dad?" She ran after the blond man.

"Dad. Oh my gosh I have so much to tell you."

He turned. "Sophiea! How did you get here?"

"I ran. Where are you going? Where have you been?"

"I'm going to find my- I've been looking around the cosmos for the infinity stones."

"Neither of those things made sense."

"Well, the infinity stones are these...stones, they are super powerful. The Vision, you know." He tapped his forehead and mimicked laser beams coming from his 'stone.'

"Oh, ok. And you're trying to find them to, what? Destroy them?"

"Find them."

"OK. And where are we going?"

"We are going to find my father and," He paused. "My brother. He was sucked into a spinney black and gold hole."

Sopheia laughed. "What? And your brother, Loki?"

"Yes. That one. How do you know of him?"

"He's my father."

"Urm, yes." They walked in silence for a while. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I meant to, but it just didn't seem like the right time."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." The conversation lapsed back into awkward silence.

"So, why is grandfather here?"

"Your father took his place as king and hid him on earth about a year ago."

"You just realized this? Where was grandmother? she would have known."

"Mother died in a fight last year."

Sophiea stopped walking. "What. No. No. You're kidding. Father, this isn't funny. No. I can't lose her too."

"Who did you lose?"

"Fury, Nat, Steve, Tasha, Sam, you, Mom."

"I'm sorry."

"Save it. Now where are we going again?" Her father held out the card that said 177a Bleaker street. "I know where that is, follow me. We're almost there."

They ran down the street to the house. "I guess we knock?" Thor started to say, but the door opened. And they walked into the sanctum. 

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