Chapter 31

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-June 29, 2018-

Sophiea threw a book at the window. It just bounced off the glass, not changing anything. She let out a scream. "Aunt Hela! Someone! Let me out!"

She heard footsteps come towards the door. "What do you want?"

"I want you to let me out! Skurge, c'mon. You know me, let me out of my room."

"I'm sorry princess, the queen doesn't want you to leave. Is there anything I can get you? Do you need food?"

A small smile crept onto Sophiea's face. "No. I'm good. Thank you for asking. How are you doing?"

He chuckled from the other side of the door. "I'm doing ok sophiea. How are you doing?"

"I've been locked in my room for months! How do you think I'm doing?"

"I get it. Um, your aunt is going to go find the citizens. It will probably turn out bad, so just. Just," He let out a long sigh and Sophiea could tell he was on the brink of tears. "I'll be back soon."

"Don't go." Sophiea heard her voice as a whisper. "You don't have to go Skurge. Just say no to her. You don't have to be her servant."

"See you later Sophiea."

She heard a clattering and then the footsteps walking down the hall, farther and farther from her room.

Sophiea screamed in frustration and kicked at the door. To her amazement, it swung open. She hesitantly walked out of the room and around the door to see the knob. Skurge's keys hung from the lock.

She looked around the long hallway. It was empty, all the furnishings and people were gone. "Oh, Aunt Hela, what did you do?" she murmured to herself. She turned on her heel and rushed out of the castle. As she ran down the long flight of stairs, a ship tore past her.

From her new vantage point, on the ground, Sophiea could see a figure jump out of the jet and onto a balcony. As she stood up the ship passed over her and stopped. She got into a fighting stance.

"Sophiea!" She looked up and saw a face she didn't recognize. That was strange, she recognized the voice. "Sophiea hop in!" Bruce walked into her line of sight.


"Get in the ship. We need to get to the Bifrost."

"What is going on?" She called as she climbed on exotic ship.

"We're fighting the queen." The girl said. She was just taller than Sophiea with long dark hair and a dark complexion.

"Ok." She looked around for a moment. "I'm wearing a dress. Should I change?"

The girl looked up from the controls. "How did you get that dress?"

Sophiea touched the fine embroidery adorning the hem of the golden dress. "She gave it to me. I had to change eventually."

"Well miss, I don't have any other clothes for you." She paused. "But I do a sword you could use."

"I'll take it."

"Random question." Bruce said as he walked to where she was at. "Why are you here, did something go south between you and Nathanial? Is my family doing ok?"

Sophiea froze, 2 years of painful memories flooding her mind. Her breath hitched. "I'm not with Nat anymore."

"Why? You were a perfect match."

A tear trickled down her cheek. "He died. Almost 2 years ago. Tasha went on the run a year ago and Eve lost it. She lost everyone. She doesn't talk to anyone."

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