Chapter 30

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-October 19, 2017-

"Look at this place, isn't it beautiful." Odin sat on a rock facing the water, speaking to the open air.

Thor went to sit next to him. "Father it's us. We've come to take you home." Sophiea let go of her father and walked up behind her grandfather and touched his shoulder. He grabbed her hand.

"Yes, home. Frigga, she calls me. Do you hear it?" Loki joined Sophiea placing a hand on her back.

"Brother lift your spell." Thor looked up angerly. "Change him back."

"Come my son, it took quite a while for me to break from your spell, your mother would be proud. Sit with me. I don't have much time." Sophiea saw tears filling her father's eyes as he sat with his father.

"I have failed you. Ragnarök is upon us. She is coming."

"Who is coming grandfather? Who?"

"The goddess of Death. Hela. My firstborn." He looked down in shame. "My life was the only thing keeping her back. But my time has come, I cannot stop her anymore."

"Please stop talking like this. We can stop her together." Sophiea's voice rose in pitch, tears rolled down her cheeks. "We can do it together."

"No, we won't. I'm on a different path now. This you must face alone." He grabbed his sons' hands. "I love you, my sons. Look at that. Remember this place. Home."

"No. Please. Stay." Sophiea's breathing grew rapid as she fought back tears. He gave her a soft smile as he faded slowly, turning to gold flecks that spread over the ocean.

"Brother. -"

"This is your fault." Thor growled as he stood up, pushing Loki back with him. He raised his hammer ready to strike, and the sky started to turn dark.

A black and green doorway sprung into existence. A woman walked out, her dark hair and makeup untidy after a millennia of being trapped in Odin's prison.

"You must be Hela. I'm Thor, son of Odin." Sophiea could see her father tighten his grip on his hammer.

She let out a dry laugh. "Really? You don't look like him."

"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement of sorts." Loki slowly stepped in front of Sophiea, shielding her with his body.

"Oh, you sound like him." The new woman drawled. She pulled a sword from her cloak. "What a shame to end you."

"Take us back!" Loki screamed and the 4 of them were taken in the rainbow bridge. Sophiea turned to see Thor being thrown from the bridge. As she looked down, she saw her father mouth one sentence to her as he too was lost to the darkness beyond the bridge.

'I love you, Sophiea.'

Suddenly Sopheia was standing in the dome on Asgard. She looked with tears in her eyes at her father's friends. "Run. She's coming you need to run."

Fandral rushed to her side. "Who's coming? Sophiea, where is your father?"

"My name is Hela." The woman said as she entered the relm of Asgard. Her clothes repaired, and she stood up taller. Knifes flew from her hands, killing the warriors. Sophiea turned to her in horror.

"Just kill me now."

"That's no fun." She was looked up and down by her aunt. "You're a strong-willed girl. Come with me."


"You will come with me. If you're smart."

"Would you just kill me? Let me be with all my family."

The goddess of death breathed out a long sigh. "I thought I said this already. I'm not killing you if you ask for it. That's not fun."

"I'm not coming with you." Sophiea stood taller, trying to remember what Cap told her when she was younger. 'Compromise where you can. But where you can't, don't.'

"Who are you to stand up to me?"

Sophiea's mind raced. Who was she? The daughter of Thor? The daughter of Loki? "I'm...uh. I'm Sophiea Odinson. Heir to Asgard."

Hela's jaw dropped. "Odin's son? I did not see that one coming."

"No. No, nothing like that. Where I was raised, we take our father's last name. I'm Sophiea Lokidotter? I guess."

Hela pulled a face. "I'm going to need you, aren't I?" She grabbed Sophiea's arm and began to pull her along the bridge. "The people will listen to me if their precious princess is in danger."

"NO. Let me go!" The young girl fought against her aunt.

"Oh, stop fighting. You can't leave."

Sophiea tried pulling away but was taken by her aunt.  

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