Chapter 5

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-March 24, 2015-

It was bright, and the day was beautiful.

Sophiea looked all around and saw a woman running around a large tree. She was laughing, and her long red hair flowed behind her.

Round and round she ran.

She stopped running around the tree and took off and ran past Sophiea. She was being chased by a tall man with dark hair.

They ran and laughed together, until the man caught up with the woman. They tripped and tumbled down a small hill. When they were at the bottom, the man was pinning the woman under him in the red and orange leaves around them. Her gave her a quick kiss.

"You my dear," he said in his deep husky voice. "Are the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing person I have ever met." He stood up and held out his hand. She grabbed it and he pulled her up. She took off running again.

"Babe! Come back!" The man laughed, and he walked to the bridge where she had stopped. He came up behind her, held her close, and looked into the blue water. Their reflections stared back up at the happy couple. "I love you, I will always love you." A lone leaf fluttered down from a tree and disrupted the image.

The woman turned to look at the man. "I know that. I love you too." She stood on the tips of her toes and kissed him. "That is why I said yes." She turned again and gazed into the water once more. The man on the other hand, was staring at her unable to take his eyes off her.


Sophiea woke with the image of the two lovers in her head. She jumped to her feet, only quickly glancing at the clock which read 3:12, before grabbing a notebook.

On a blank sheet of paper, her pencil began its elegant dance. Soon people began to form from the lines and swirls. They were standing over a still pond, a single leaf floated through the breeze. A man and a woman. Holding each other tight, as if this was the only thing to protect one another. The woman' hair was long and Sophiea knew it was going to be red.

All too soon, a song drifted through Sophiea's thoughts. The alarm she had set was going off. She gracefully walked to her desk where the clock was, and she turned the sound off. Picking up her bags, she headed to the kitchen. On the table she left a note, that read in bright red letters: 'Gone for a week or two. I'll be back. Don't kill anyone while I'm gone.'

She walked down the stairs, going on the elevator would cause too much noise, and when she got outside, she called a taxi.

The ride was long silent and awkward. Sophiea was so glad when she finally got to the building where she worked. There weren't many lights on, and through the dark she could see faint silhouettes of people moving if front of the windows. She paid and hurriedly climbed out of the car.

Phil was waiting for her just inside the main door. "Hello Sophiea." He was about to continue when they heard multiple crashes and a faint 'ow'. They took off toward the stairs where the sounds came from, and as they ran Phil leaned towards Sophiea.

"That would be Nathanial. He'll be your partner for this mission. "

Sophiea nodded to show she was listening.

"He's about your age. You should get along with him quite well."

Sophiea rolled her eyes and thought back to the people in her dream until they turned the corner and saw the mess in front of them.

They were at the base of the stairs standing above a boy who was just lying on the ground, surrounded by boxes and little pieces of tech.

"I give up!" He told Phil. "You told me to move boxes to the jet, but I just can't! It's too early. Wake me up in 4 hours."

Sophiea laughed. "I like this kid." She sat slumped next to him and closed her eyes. "Wake me up in 4 hours Phil."

Nathanial sat straight up. "You're Sophiea!" She slowly nodded, scared of what he had heard of her. "I'm so glad you're here! That means we can leave." He pumped his hand in the air. "Middle of nowhere Kansas, here we come!"

Together they cleaned up what had fallen and scatted. Phil then took one of the boxes and all three of them climbed up the stairs to the roof, where the jet was parked. "So, I will be your chaperone for the next few weeks." The older man began. "You guys will go to the local high school and-"

He was interrupted by Nathanial, who raised his hand. "Can we get on the jet?" Phil nodded and the threesome moved into the vehicle.

"As I was saying, your job is to find and detain a Hydra agent. He is going under the name Mr. Keaston. I'll drop you off at the school as soon as we get there. Now, buckle up and get to know one another. You are partners after all."

They watched as the ship lifted off the ground, and the city spiraled out of their view, marveling at the beauty they were leaving behind.  

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