Chapter 13

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-April 5, 2015-

"Good morning New York! What a wonderful Friday, I mean what can I say, the flowers are in bloom, the smog has cleared, school gets out in almost a month, and the list goes on. To start off your morning right we have a list of the most popular songs right now."

By this point Sophiea lost all interest in what the radio was saying and turned it off. She rubbed her neck, it was all stiff after falling asleep at her desk.

Once getting home from work the night before, she helped Pepper with Morgan; everyone was still gone on the mission. Then came the homework, and it never stopped, she had fallen asleep in the middle of a biology assignment.

After putting on her shirt she got tired of the silence and turned on the radio again. She pulled out her makeup as the newscasters conversed. "Hey Jim, have you seen the video that's trending on YouTube right now?"

"The one with the spider boy saving the car? Yeah, my wife showed me last night, so strange. It shouldn't be too weird with the Avengers living downtown, but this kid can shoot webs out his hands."

"Do you think he is part of the Avengers?"

"No. He'd have Iron Man flying with him or something if he was on the team."

Sophiea scoffed. "Sure. Like we'd let him on the team." She shook her head once more and got ready for the day.


"Just remember, no homework this weekend but the end of term project it due in three weeks." the art teacher said. Trying to keep her student's attention right before the bell for a weekend rang was hard. "And everyone, have a wonderful weekend." With that the bell sounded throughout the school.

Sophiea was one of the first people out of the door. Everything about today was exciting. As she and Peter walked out of the school building, the quinjet flew over their heads.

"The Avengers are back!" a kid called from behind them.

"I have to go. I'm just going to run to the subway station." Sophiea called to Peter and before he could respond, she was gone.

"I'm home!" she called once she arrived in the living floors of the tower.

"We're in here." Tasha called from the hallway. Sophiea ran in to see her family making their way to the med bay.

"What happened?" her voice was hesitant and quite when she saw the team holding up Clint. "What's wrong?"

"It's fine." Clint grunted as Cap led him to the cold of the med bay. "We'd be lying if we pretended none of us ever got hurt."

"How can I help?" Sophiea rushed to his side but, Tasha grabbed her hand and started to pull her away from the injured archer.

"He's strong, he can handle himself, let's distract you though. What do you want to do?" Sophiea looked around.

"I need help getting ready for a date."

"Ok. Where are you going?"

"It's a picnic in central park."

"Are you sure that's good, I mean it looks like it's going to rain."

"It will be fine. Now are you going to help me or not?"

Tasha smiled and ushered Sopheia to her room. "I say you wear a black tee shirt with that green flannel you love. I'll braid your hair. What time is your man going to get here?"

Sophiea glanced at the clock. "We were just going to meet at the entrance to the park at 4." Minutes later she came running out her door with her new outfit. "How do I look?"

Tasha smiled. "You look wonderful." She started to braid the young girl's hair. As she put the last elastic in her hair, Friday's voice rang through the room.

"Mrs. Banner, there are people here to see you and your husband. May they come up?"

"Yeah. Send them up." With the announcement, the Avengers came into the front room to investigate.

"Ooh. What's the occasion, widow?" Tony smiled at Natasha.

"Just the family stopping in before a night out. Bruce, is there a room ready in case Eve needs to stay?"

"Yes. Everything is under control." he turned to his friend. "Now, Tony, the algorithm should be fairly simple from here on out, but it needs constant care. Will you go check on it?"

Tony nodded as the elevator door opened. Voices sounded through the hall.

"I'm old enough to fend for myself, I don't understand why we're here. Like what the crap bro. I don't want to be babysat by mom's friends while you go out on a date. At least let me meet the lovely lady before you go gallivanting around the park with her. She has to pass the sister test."

"Slow down Eve. Just wait." Nathainal and a small redheaded girl came from the open doorway. He shot Sophiea a small smile. "You'll get to meet her if your patient."

She looked up and squealed. "Dad!" She ran into Bruce's outstretched arms. "Do I have to stay here? Nat is going out tonight and I want to go too!"

"Baby. It's Nat and his date's night let them be alone."

"Speaking of which, Sophiea, you ready? This creates one less stop on the way." Nathainal smiled at her.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be."

Gasps of shock were heard throughout the room.

"No way." Tasha hugged Sophiea tightly. "Nat spoke so highly of you. I should have guessed!"

Sophiea was grabbed by the girl, Eve. "Take care of my brother, Ok missy? I don't want to hear of any heartbreaks tonight."

"Ok. I promise. Can we head out now?" She turned to Nathanial who nodded, took her arm and made their way to the elevator. 

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