Chapter 19

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-April 10, 2015-

"I cannot believe they are making us watch the broadcast of the...the...THING!" Flash Thompson yelled again and Sophiea banged her head against the cafeteria table half way across the room.

"I am going to strangle that child." MJ hissed from under her breath.

"You aren't the only one." Sophiea groaned. She had gotten home late the night before, and none of the team slept. They brought all the blankets and pillows from the rooms all around the tower and huddled in the living room, trying to relax and get their mind off the battle.

It was Tony's idea to have a public broadcast the next day. Just like his 'I am iron man' speech. Sophiea told him she would rather go to school than a stupid broadcast, and less than 3 hours later she was sitting in first period math.

"I mean they flying city isn't even part of our country. It's like in France somewhere." Flash continued. "And I mean, the superheroes live in our city so, I'll see them around."

Peter started to turn red. "I'm going to punch him. I am going to take him down."

The group turned to Ned who hadn't said a word the entire conversation, to find him with both earbuds in blasting his music. When he saw their stares, he turned his music off. "You can't possibly expect me to listen to that bull crap."

Flash's voice seemed to get even louder. "Oh, boo hoo. Their city flew. Someone one died. The thing is, I don't care."

Red clouded Sophiea's vision. She stood up and marched over to the table where Flash and his goonies were attracting too much attention.

"Shut up."

They looked up at Sophiea in shock. She never spoke to them, much less came over to their table. A small "what" came from the room.

"I said shut up. I'm sick of this conversation. Just shut up."

She turned, walking back to her friends who stared at her in open mouth shock. A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, but she was too tired and sore.

"Hey, Sophiea. Why are you so concerned about a stupid little country?"

She whirled and drew herself up to her full 5 feet and 5 inches of pure rage. "I don't think it's a stupid little country. Neither did my cousin and uncle when they went to help them out. Uncle Bruce, we still haven't heard anything about him. MIA, they say. My cousin spent the last moments of his life protecting one of the kids who was almost gunned down by Ultron droids. We wanted to plan a welcome home party, but no. Now we are planning a funeral. And some people react 'differently' to events. You ought to learn how to get all the facts before opening your big fat mouth. Now shut up."

She turned on her heel and stormed back to where her friends were. The cafeteria was silent, trying to possess what had happened.

"Are you serious?" Peter whispered. His expression was soft and caring.

"Of course, I am." Her voice cracked. "Someone needed to stand up to him, and this was the perfect time."

The bell rang, and the foursome walked to current events, where the teacher was planning on showing the broadcast.

Sophiea's phone buzzed. She picked it up, not bothering to look at caller ID. "Hello?"

"Hey, Sophiea." Nat's voice came though the speaker. "Mom said you aren't going to the interview thing. What's up?"

"I have school, you know this." Peter looked at her weird and she waved.

"Well, I know that. But I don't think it's a good idea for you to go to school. You almost died, you haven't slept, a friend died, and this is only what I've heard from my mom. I would understand if you weren't at Tony's thing, but school is so much harder."

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