Author's notes [IMPORTANT RULES] (Request CLOSE)

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REQUEST: CLOSE (for now anyways)

Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates but I have reasons I swear:

I am actually in the middle of rewriting the one big unplanned mistake that has more longer chapters and shit it will consist of months in the chapter name cause I'm confusing myself and the new version will mostly contain laughs and a slice of life that contain many dark... themes, lol.

Here are the rules in sending me requests:

1. You must have a prompt, you dont have to specify anything but please give me prompts (ex. Maid Au, normal multiverse circumstances, Royalty Au, Coffee shop Au, Roommates Au, High school Au and etc.)

2. You can request to make ship one shots of your skellie babies/OC ONLY if you give me basic info on how they act, what they look like and what's their favorite food/condiment.

3. If you wish to be at least part of the one shot there will be.... problems.... cause I dont really like reader insert things unless it was actually realistic - we all know about the over powered readers and unrealistic falling in love with reader shit - though if requested with the proper circumstances and what the reader is supposed to do in the one shot for the skellies to be together than it's valid.

Example: you, the reader or requester help the skellies fall in love by like in the highschool au were your a mom to one skellie and gave them advice capiche?

4. Let's be honest, most of my followers ship UT Sans with everyone but I will probably hold back on most ship with Sans cause... well... the firsts book is mostly sans-centric and look what happened... I mean it's not bad to request a UT sans x ? You can, It's just that maybe request other ships? It's up to you this is just my word.

5. You can say what categorie it is fluff, angst, hurt/comfort and smut but with the prompt also.

Well thats all

I hope to see your request

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