Sans x Everyone| Igniting like Fire

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Requested by: lincelovina

I know I said to give chance to other ships but this is actually from my last book that someone requested so I felt sorry and did this oh and they are like the best

Plus the prompt they gave me was quite hilarious


Sans sighed as he dragged the cooler filled of popsicles using his magic and put it by the multi-void couch. He took a purple popsicle from the cooler, took off it's wrapper and shove it inside his pocket.

The other Sanses were setting up the playstation already as the other's were sitting on the couch with him talking to the other's.

Why the fuck is he doing this again?


Sans look up at the other greeting his friend with a grin "Yeah, Grillbs?" He asked while he place down the ketchup bottle in his hand.

"Can I dare you to do something?"

"What's the prize?" Sans said lifting a brow.

He had known the fire elemental for a long time and he was sure if the other dared him to do anything it always came with a great prize, mostly ketchup but eh.

"A week supply of ketchup"


"Deal, now heres what I want you to do...." Grillby gestured him to come closer to whisper something to him.

Sans eyesockets blacken, he sighed "Make that a month"

Grillby nodded a sly smile on his face.

Oh yeah, for ketchup

He shrugged placing the popsicle in his mouth. Grillby dared him to eat a popsicle as seductively as possible in front of everyone which is easy enough plus he will be doing this in front of his other selves so less the embarrassment really.

The multi-void mansion's living room is where sanses mostly hangout at it's good thing it's game night and luckily enough he was asked by Blue to bring some cold treat so a great excuse really.

He lightly nibbled at the popsicle in his mouth. He took it out then lick the sides making sure that the slurping noises where quite hearable but not that loud that it will make anyone annoyed.

Sans hummed placing the top of the popsicle by his mouth before slowly putting it all the way through his mouth and then taking it out, he repeats the process a couple of times.


Sans look up seeing Outer looking at him with a slightly flushed face - everyone seemed to held the same expression -. Must mean it's working, he wonders...

"Mmeah?" He hummed the popsicle still in his mouth before pulling it out and making sure the popping sound was quite hearable and that his saliva is connected to the popsicle.

Outer awkwardly cleared his throat at this, the purple blush on his face darkening "We're splitting into teams"

"Oh" Sans nodded grinning at Outer before walking towards the middle where everyone was circled at.

They all have flushed faces... this is actually kind of fun...

"Uhmm... Sans" Ink said coughing awkwardly.


"We already split into 2 with equal members but they can exchange with you if you wan-"

"Nah, it's fine Ink" Sans grinned, he has an idea "I' ll just keep an eye on whoever cheated by elbowing someone and shit"


Sans looked at the first team. Really they aren't actually being a team, the groups were just to determine which of the two will go first to compete with the members of their team.

There was Outer, Razz, Blue, Red and Dust each have a controller in their hands. Damn, that's a lot controllers then again the tv screen is much more widder and taller then what is normal but hey credits to Ink who made the tv for everyone.

Let the games begin

Sans hummed into the popsicle in his hands, gulping in the sweetness from it. He was place at the foot of the TV cause when he said to Ink that he will keep a close eye on anyone cheating he wasn't really joking, sometimes on game nights he purposely always make sure he isn't in a group cause to be honest Sans doesn't like to play, well not all the time, he actually like gaming it's just that he would rather not let anyone throw a temper tantrum of being a sore loser or if someone did cheat, so here he is.

The popsicle is getting thinner from how he kept sucking on it but hey Grillbs told him to do it until everyone is in his words 'igniting like fire'.

Sans bobbed his head as he suck the popsicle. Each 'slurp' he made was quite loud and not to mention that he held eye contact for a few moments with anyone that he caught glancing at him.

He took out the popsicle stick from his mouth before getting a new one which is colored blue, it was much more bigger than the last.

He tried to fit it in his mouth but was struggling. He sighed, he put the tip on his mouth before trying to shove it in all the way but he might have overestimated it cause he shove it too fast and now he choked on it a little.

He pulled it out coughing, he groaned "It's too big" Sans huffed as some of his saliva with melted popsicle trickle down his chin.

Sans looks up seeing that....

Well, He thinks he overdid it...

Cause the others have their... little friends peeking out and glowing.

Sans awkwardly chuckled as he wipe of his saliva using the sleeve of his jacket "I-i'm gonna go to the bathroom"

He said as he teleported away from the living room

Well.... as Grillby said... they are igniting like fire... maybe too much...



I had fun making this one

Also to Khari who ask for the Fresh x Epic one shot with angst. I'm having dificulties with it so I'm sorry if it will took longer than the rest. It's just hard to get two characters who are basically made from memes into an angsty setting without being off character lol. So yeah Idk if it will make people laugh or cry so yeah Im struggling So I'm sorry.

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