Sans x ????| Did you ever even loved me?

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Sans stared at the person he love, the one that made him love them in every single way with the way they laugh, smile and say those words in that ethereal tone but now... everything he thought knows about the other is all just falling apart.

"...I trusted you..." He said in hushed whisper.

Sans should have slap himself for sounding so weak and oh so, so hurt...

"You should never have trusted me," the other hummed rather in amusement.

Sans wants to just look away, to teleport the fuck out of this place that is just literal hell. He just wants to go back to the days where he would wake up seeing his younger brother jumping on his bed just to wake him and tell him that it was time for school, to be able to have a small banter with Killer and just go around his house enjoying the smell of herbs and lavenders.

But he can't, as much as he wants to he can't, his body was just frozen there. Not even moving an inch as he feels like he could break down from it all.

"...Did you ever even loved me?..."

Ah yes, that one single damning question that he wished he never asked for he knows that the answer might as well just be something that would broke his heart forever.

The other stayed silent, eyes looking at him with an emotion that Sans can never tell, one that he can't tell if he wanted to know or not.

"...Do you ever noticed that I always kiss you in the most wondrous places I can find?"

The answer was so anonymous just coming in out of nowhere but stars that just made his mind race. The time they kissed under the stars, in that museum and that little small garden filled with roses.

Sans shakes his head as he ignored the aching in his chest while he just dumbly nodded.

"I had kissed you in the most wondrous places ever, under the stars, in museums, gardens and oh so much more. All so, if you go to those places ever again you will taste me on your lips like blood in your mouth. Something that will remind you of me that you know, you can never ever shake off like a ghost tailing over your shoulder for pain will be evident on your heart all until it can turn to be hate and love at the same time..."

The other continued, blood shot red eyes staring back at him "So tell me, what do you think? Do you think I had ever actually loved you or not?"


Hey guys this is a draft of 'the throne room scene' from a book I was planning to make.

It's a modern fantasy au but I was getting really out of it in this fandom at the moment so I will most likely never make this book come to life.

The person Sans is talking to will most likely be a mystery that I will not reveal since this scene is supposed to be the end of book 1.

I had the first chapter done and about but I still had no energy or inspiration to continue it then.

And I have other reasons which I had posted in my message board.

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