ClassicBerry| Half of the internet thinks we're dating [2]

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A lot of people requested this lucky for them I practically plotted 5 whole chapters for this.

Lol and I'm bad at making tickling scenes


Sans groaned as his phone won't stop fucking sending him notifications all because the internet can't just fucking stay put about him and Blue 'dating'.

Apparently only a few frames of his face can lead to total disaster AKA everyone finding his profile on Facebook and every other site. Where people would send him friend request and unknown messages.

Sans sighed disabling all of the notifications in his phone before lightly throwing it on the coffee table as he lay on the couch.

"Blue, how long is it going to take for you to clear things out with your fans?"

Blue huff "A couple more minutes Sans, I'm still setting up the camera" he was positioning a camera on a stand to capture them while a mini microphone was place on the coffee table cause apparently it will lessen the background sounds and help others to hear them clearly.

Sans groaned in annoyance as he shove a pillow onto his face. They're currently in Blue's living room where Blue will video a live stream of them answering questions to ease the confusion and apparently Sans has to there to truly assure them cause Blue said some fans will just assume things of he was the only one.

He heard an audible sigh from beside him "Sans come on we will start any minute now" He felt a hand on his leg moving it to get his attention.

"Hmphmauemh" his words were muffled by the pillow.

"Fine... you ask for it..." Blue's voice was suddenly low and deep with a hint of mischief in it.

Wait.. he knows that tone.... Fuc-

Before he knows it Blue jump on him so he was now on top of Sans with his hands roaming on Sans body.

"HOLY SHIT- BLUE PFFT- HAHA" Sans laugh aloud as Blue started tickling him on his sides "BLU- Stars! HAHA-" Sans was laughing his butt off as Blue just kept tickling him.

Tears were in his eye sockets and a light blue flushed was on his a cheeks from all of his laughing. Collecting his strength he successfully push Blue over so he was now on top sitting on the other's lap.

He was breathing heavily from the shortness of breath as he look down at Blue who slightly sit up so their faces were facing one another. He look at the other's mesmerizing eyes that look much more like a deep blue now that he took a closer look at it instead of sky like ones that he saw when they first met.

It felt like time slowed down cause all Sans can focus on was the other. As his breathing slowly even out he inch closer towards the others face by the closeness Sans can feel the other's heartbeat which was slow and evoking. Hands were placed onto his hips as they tightened their grip.

He inched closer whether purposely or not, he just let his body move on it's own mind blank as he can't think clearly. There faces were so close that he can feel the other's breathing on his lips. He slowly close his ey-

He stop quickly inching away from the other as he tried to composed himself even though he was still on Blue's lap.

Sans awkwardly cleared his throat as he gave Blue a tense grin "Uhmm... Blue you can let go-"

Sans stop as he saw a small green dot from the corner of his eyes. He look towards the direction of the greenlight seeing it coming from the camera "Uhmmm... green means on right?..."

Blue's eyes widened when he look towards where Sans was looking.



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