Errink| Haphephobia

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Requested by: lincelovina

this guys prompts there the absolute best


Error look down at the 5 year old child looking up at him with starry eyes before looking back up at his friend who is giving him a pleading look.

"No" he said blankly.

"But Error, your his uncle and I have to come elsewhere to sort some business with some people" Blue sighed looking at him.

"Blue you had said too many somes in your sentence that I myself think that you don't even know what your doing" Error pointed out.

Blue huffed "I only said two"

"Whatever you say plus why me? Where's your brother?"

"His boyfriend is currently planning a surprise so he can propose to him"

Error snorted at that.

Blue sighed "Error please, if you do this I will buy you as many chocolates as you want"

Now that sounds tempting

Error sighed in defeat, he knows Blue long enough to know that the other will never take no for an answer.

"Fine..." He groaned in irritance.


Error rolled his eyes at his friend "As long as I get the chocolate than I  promise to keep an eye on him"


The sound of a portal opening behind him catch their attention. A figure step out of the portal who is actually Ink.

"Heya Blue, I'm here-"

"What the hell is he doing here?" Error pointed at Ink as he look at Blue with wide eyes.

"I called him here to keep a close eye on you and make sure you didn't accidentally glitch out of existance also to help you babysit" Blue grinned at him.

"If you were able to call him to make sure I don't make a mess than why even asked me to babysit when he can?" Error grumbled glaring at Blue.

"Think of this like an experiment..." Blue leaned closer to whisper at his ear "And a way for you to get close to your crush" Blue hummed.

Error felt his cheeks heaten as he glared at Blue who was only grinning innocently at him.

"You promised~" Blue practically sang.

Error's eye twitch

If every Sans has something in common is that they never back away from a promise even with the swapverse, everyone knows this... as well as Blue...

This manipulative piece of shit

He knows he shouldn't have told Blue about his crush. Error grumbled in annoyance as he nodded.

Blue smiled before looking down at his son and kissing their forehead "Be good okay? Mommy just have to go and do something while Uncle Error and Ink take care of you"

"Yes'h mommy" The child, Peace, nodded smiling up at his mother.

Blue wave goodbye at Error and Ink before opening a portal and walking in it.

Error sighed as he look down at the child staring up at him with awe "What?"

Peace smiled as he walk closer to Error and made grabby hands "Carry~" Peace cooed out as he was about to tugged Error's pants for more attention.

[COMPLETE] Sanscest One-shots, Drabbles And Lemons 2Where stories live. Discover now