Cream [1]| Dating is a no but damn his hot

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"I swear to the stars if you don't get a fucking date tonight I will hang you"

Cross snorted hearing the most inaccurate threat fell from his 'best friends' mouth.

"Killer I already told you..." He sighed rubbing his temples "I'm not interested on getting a boyfriend"

"But that is the fucking reason why I'm holding a fucking party tonight" Killer said as he smacked Cross on the back.

Cross groaned in irritance dismissing the small pain from Killer's blow "Why the hell do I even need a date again?"

They were in the super market picking up some groceries for Killer's party when they reach the parking lot though Killer decided to tell him the real reason behind his party and keep giving him names of the guys going there that in his opinion 'are pretty okay guys' he says not having any awkward conversations with them he says.

"Because our families are both having a reunion next month and if they hear that your still single as fuck even though your 28 fucking years old they will literally keep pushing me as a bragging material for you and you know as hell I fucking hate that"

Killer let out an irritated growl slamming the lid of the trunk with such force that Cross was sure it would have broke by the mere impact of it.

Cross snorted still remembering the last reunion of their families they had which include Killer being pushed to the spotlight to tell about his relationship with Color, long story short he was pretty sure Killer was on the verge of ripping everyone open with their insanely personal questions.

"Great reason but the hell I care" Cross shrugged as he watch his friend mutter a ton of swear words under their breath.

"Cross for the last time you need a date!!" Killer practically yelled his hands flailing around in annoyance.

"And for the last time I don't want a dat- holy shit that guy's hot..." Cross muttered as he look at a guy just two cars away who is packing away the groceries in their hand.

"Fucking finally" Killer said in mock enthusiasm as Cross just ignored him face slightly heating up.

They were a skeleton monster like himself wearing a white coat over denim pants and a black shirt base on the aura of professionalism around him and not to mention the stethoscope over their shoulder Cross guessed that they were a doctor. Something about him seemed familiar but Cross couldn't put his finger on it on why he is.

"Oh look at that his a doctor, great eye Cross" Killer grinned as he pat Cross on the back "Now go talk to him"

That got Cross to blushed like crazy "What the- no!!" He glared at Killer "I don't even fucking know him-"

Killer let out an exaggerated sigh cutting him off "Do I seriously have to do everything..."

"What do you-"


wait... WHAT

Cross look at Killer who purposely fallen on the floor making a loud thump, that gotta hurt but the hell he cares Killer just made a fucking scene. He look to the side seeing that the guy notice them and was walking towards them.

This piece of shit-

Cross kneeled down so he was facing Killer, he put his hand on the other's shoulder shaking it frantically.

"Killer you son of a bitch!!! Stop pretending to faint you motherfucker-"

"Is he alright?" A deep voice asked cutting him off as the guy from earlier kneeled down to get a closer look on Killer.

"His one hundred percent fucking fine" Cross sighed face palming as a blush made it's way on his cheeks.

'Dear stars this is fucking embarrassing...'

"Killer get your ass off the fucking floor" He was still shaking the other frantically so this whole shit can be over but nope Killer just dismiss him and still played his role.

"Killer if you don't get up right now I will fucking slap you-"

A snort stop him from even doing said thing as he look eye to eye with the guy who looks to be a doctor "I don't think that's the proper way to wake someone who fainted"

Cross sighed "Look, his alright this son of a bitch just decided to be an asshole and lure you here just because I thought your hot-" he stop realizing the shit that left his mouth making him groan in annoyance as he covered his face that was turning red.

"Oh stars, you weren't suppose to hear that part" Cross sighed already wanting to dust right there and then...

He heard chuckling....wait what?..

Cross peeked over at the guy who has a small yellow blushed over their face as he chuckled smiling towards him.

"My name's Dream Lumine" He smiled as he offered his hand towards Cross who hesitantly took it and awkwardly smiled back.

"My name's Cross" he said chuckling awkwardly "Sorry about him, his an idiot" Cross sighed looking down at Killer who's shoulder's were shaking, the fucker is probably repressing their laughter.

"Well I assume I'm not needed" Dream hummed standing up as he dust off his knees before offering a hand at Cross.

Cross look at Dream then at the hand before taking it as Dream pulled him up.

"It was nice meeting you I guess" He chuckled a gleam in his eyes to which Cross just awkwardly smiled at.

"Uh... you too"

"Oh, can I use your phone?"

"Uhmm.... sure?" Cross most likely asked than said really as he took his phone from his pocket and hand it to Dream.

Dream took it as he quickly type something in it before giving it back with a small smile.

Cross look down noticing a number was type in it along with a name. His eyes widened, his face turning a deep shade of red as he look up at Dream who only smiled back even when he saw his bewildered expression.

Dream chuckled before winking at him with a small smile "Call me~" he hummed walking off.

He watch the other walk away back to their car before snapping his head towards Killer who was now standing up and laughing their butt off.

"H-holy shit- Haha" Killer laugh aloud.

Cross rolled his eyes a blush still very present on his face.

"Oh fuck you"


Lol I just realized if I were to set someone up I will do exactly what Killer did XD

I literally had to search up what the hell you call the small compartment on the back of a car apparently it's called a trunk.

If anyone can suggest a proper tittle for this shit please tell me lol

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