LavUs| Why Our Fears Held Us Down

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Artwork at top belongs to Rika_Morol

Icarus (dust x Ink ship child) belongs to Mas_Famiglia

Lavender (kustard ship child) belongs to me.

I have the impulse-control of a squirrel on crack cocaine-


He's broken.

Oh so broken...

And yet Icarus always was able to see all the stars in his eyes.

Lavender choked out a sob as he rests his head onto his husband's chest, his fingers digging into the others clothes as he was sitting on Icarus' lap.

Warm tears fell down his cheeks as his chest felt heavy.

He was being stupid again, a stupid waste of space as what one would say.

Why was he even crying again?

This was all because he didn't took in his pills and just remembered a stupid memory that he shouldn't be worrying about.

“I-I'm sorry,” He sobbed out as he grip tightly on the other's shirt. “Oh my stars I don't deserve you...”

Why did the other even chose him to be their husband? Icarus has this thing about liking things that were eternal and perfect – the exact opposite of what he is...

Icarus put a hand around him before rubbing circles on his back.

“Don't say that...” The other visibly frowned as blank eyelights turned to him.

Those eyes were as emotionless as ever but Lavender had always found them to be mesmerizing and comforting.

Maybe that's the reason why those eyelights are blank and emotionless – maybe the other was only pitying him; that's why Icarus married him and just—

“Do you love me?”

Lavender voice out, before pressing his face onto the other's chest to hide his face and so he won't he able to see the look on Icarus face.

There was a pause as the hand rubbing circles on his back had stop for a moment.

Icarus wrapped a hand around him before pulling him close.

“I wouldn't have married you if I didn't.” The other muttered as Lavender felt a bit better but those dark thoughts of his still won't stop anyways.

He wonders what the other will be if he dies, would Icarus move on easily? Will the other's tears rain until it floods or maybe they'll just be fine.

“Breath.” Icarus whispered to him making Lavender realized he has been holding his breath all along.

Lavender breath out but his tears won't stop coming anyways as the heavy feeling in his chest won’t stop either.

“Remember our breathing exercises...” The other gently place a hand over his head almost as though he was touching a delicate flower.

Breath in... Breath out... the birds are singing... The flowers are blooming... and everything's fine...

He remembers those exact few things as he tried to steady his breathing.

Finally, Lavender looks up at the other seeing their still blank face.

Icarus softly press his lips against his forehead. “Tell me what your feeling right now, what are your fears and what's holding you down...”

He has a lot of fears, he fears for the other's safety, that the love they had might go bitter and maybe one day the other will stop loving him.

“I fear that everyone I loved will die, that tomorrow I'll wake up all alone and just- that you'll just—” He shifted his gaze to the side. “One day, you'll stop loving me.”

The other didn't say a word as Lavender continued to ramble.

“That maybe one day, the sunshine you had promised me might fade with falling rain…” Lavender sniffled as he can't help but cry out. “That our love will be nothing but thorns and our vows to each other will be meaningless—” 

“I've already promised to love you forever...” Icarus softly said, cutting him off.

He gulps, looking up at the other.

“B-but what if forever ends?”

Such an idiotic and yet perplexed question.

Icarus only rested his head against his, their foreheads touches one another as their lips were just inches away.

The other softly smiled at him, it being sweet and yet sad at the same time, leaving a bittersweet feeling in his Soul.

“Then I promise you, my love, that on the day after forever – you shall find my vows renewed.”

Icarus gently kissed his lips before slowly pulling away.

“So please don't cry, my lovely inspiration...”


I'm so sorry Mas_Famiglia I just couldn't control my impulses- T-T

I'll bring this down if you don't like it.

738 words.

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