I'm a Narcissist

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Sans lives right next to a nice young woman. She was kind and a bit of an odd one but the other always seemed to make him feel comfortable around them.

So here he is now, drinking tea with the young woman.

She has dull brown eyes, no shine in them whatsoever just like the voids. Her skin was between tan and fair much like sand mixed with powder, her hair was another story. It goes down to her waist, long and wavy while at the same time being midnight black.

The lady always seemed to have a monotonous voice, there was never a hint of emotion in it whenever she talks but Sans can always tell what emotion she was expressing with just her words.

Bags were always under her eyes, she smells like a mix between lavender and coffee. She tells him stories on how she was an insomniac and has lavender plants thus the smell.

Basically the other was just like any normal human with a life of their own and goals to complete.

But there was always something off about her.

Sans feels comfortable around her. Way too comfortable than he was used to, it was like the other can make him feel anything be it good or bad.

Their aura was one that Sans could only tell as tired and soft but there was something about it that always made him a bit scared of the other.

It was like the other can make his life a living hell with just a flick of her finger, like he was just a puppet in a little story that was meant to entertain others. A favorite character in a story with no real end and no real truth.

Okay that was a bit specific, Sans shakes his head.

He stares back up at brown eyes seeing a flash of gold in them. He tumbled back causing him to accidentally fall off his chair. He blinks before seeing brown just brown eyes looking over at him.

"Are you alright?"

"Uhh...yeah." Sans awkwardly cleared his throat as he composed himself.

The other smiled softly at him and for a moment, just a moment, Sans saw something glint in those eyes.

"How fortunate, I thought you would have broken your neck there..."

He felt fear struck his very SOUL.


Sans blinks looking around his apartment as he was sitting on a chair next to a table.

What was he doing here again?

He looks over to the table seeing a pot of tea and two cups, one half filled and another being almost empty with a few drops of tea still in it.

Did he had someone over?

Sans look at the cup that was in front of him, the half empty one, before looking over to the other one.

Didn't he have his nei- ņøœņę œvęř?

Sans shakes his head feeling dizzy all of the sudden before looking right back up again.

Sans blinks looking around his apartment as he was sitting on a chair next to a table.

What was he doing here again?


I really want to describe myself into words because I just really want to boost my self esteem so yeah this happened.

You guys should try it sometime, it's really fun to make and get your friend's to describe you before doing this it will get you a better picture of what you seemed like to others.

And now I will just say some random words because I really want this to be 666 words so- holy crackers in a nutshell which is also my life my life is a fucking nightmare! I hate my classmates! Fuck group projects! Tomorrow is my exam but I'm still doing this shit cause I find solace in it. Oh yah solace means comfort and that what you learned today in english class now how's your math homework doing? Is it shit? Wow we are totally the same. Yay!

666 words

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