ErrInk| Au revoir, Mon Amour

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Here Error is an uke and Ink is a certified asshole.

Yet no one can fucking change my interpretation of them.


"There's nothing much more cheesier than being the last unmarried groom/brides maid at a wedding taking place on where they call the city of love."

Error grumbled, his face only filled with sarcasm as he was just so fucking done with life.

Cross rolled his eyes yet Error can fully tell that the other was nervous.

"You're only grumpy because I made you wear a dress."

"Really, what gave it away?"

Error retorts as he hug himself more closer, seriously it was like bridesmaids dresses were made to highlight everyone's insecurities.

Cross once again rolled his eyes.

"I will throw the bouquet towards you and you better catch it."

Cross offered well not really offered more like demanded.

"Yeah right." Error snorted before giving his friend a soothing look.

Error hesitantly put his hand on the others shoulder before awkwardly patting it, geez, he had known the guy for almost 10 years yet his still didn't know how to not awkwardly show physical affection.

Error noticed how his friend was sweating a lot and being anxious so he actually really said that fact in the first place as some sort of joke just to lighten the mood.

"There, there." Error said as he tried to comfort his friend, keyword 'tried'.

Cross look up his anxiety almost gone as his mouth was curve into a grin

"Wow you sure know how to help a guy out." he snorts.

"Well it's working isn't?" Error rolled his eyes but a small smile was on his face.


"You still do know that you owe me a year supply of chocolate and yarn for this right?"

Error said, what? He wasn't even supposed to be the maid of honor in the first place.

"So where's your actual maid in honor?" Error asked realizing that yes asking a question will get his friend to forget about the anxiety of the wedding for maybe a few minutes or if he was lucky enough maybe 5.

"Well he wasn't able to be my maid of honor cause he lives in Paris which is really far away from where we came from plus after realizing he was going to wear a dress he laughed and pretty much cursed me on how he can cover my whole entire house in rainbow paint if I make him wear a dress."

Cross said chuckling awkwardly? Though Error was pretty sure there was a tinge of annoyance in his voice

"Fucking Nightmare." Cross grumbled.

It was a pretty normal day to be honest well unless for the fact him and Blue was at Cross's house discussing with him the food he was going to choose which were mostly made of chocolate and tacos except for a few bitter things for Nightmare.

They were just peacefully chatting and joking on how they will make a chocolate and taco hybrid but all was swell, yes you heard me swell.

Well until Nightmare walk in with a determined and blank face that is.

Cross grinned at him. "Oh hey Nigh-"

"You're going to be the bride."

Nightmare said seriously.

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