Bad sanses x Sans| 1st perspective

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I'm practicing on making 1st POV shit cause it's been so long since I last wrote something not undertale related or a fanfic lol.

I suggest to read the small notes I left out cause really if you read them you might as well see a different perspective of the bad sanses cause really.... they have SERIOUS issues...


Dust's POV

I took a glance at Sans who was sitting just in front of me. He look so fragile and small so much that I would have never thought that he is the one.... the original... who's everyone life lies upon on...

He always seemed relax with that wide grin unlike the copies of the original that always held a hollow grin that was nothing but a mere lie...

The original was... well.... is.... different....

I wonder does he have the same scar on his chest from the thousand of genocide runs or is he more innocent than others?...

I wonder if he cannot peacefully sleep at night from the fear that once he did his brother would be dead...

I wonder if scars litter his body from the deepening depression of everything....

I slightly look up from the sound of a moving chair as Sans stood up from it sporting the book he was reading just a while ago... I examined him up and down.... his blue jacket is not showing any signs of it being torn but rather dishelved from either the lack of proper cleaning or laziness.

His stature was relaxed and looking down at his legs that has no type of scar or chip. In fact they were just clean with a bit of a grayish tone...

I wonder....

I teleported at his back taking the book from his hand and helping him put it back on a higher shelf rightfully to where it belonged. I took note that he stiffened when I suddenly pressed behind him...

He look a little relieved when I step back as he gave me a tense grin.

Well... one way to answer this curiosity of mine... but I was sure there was a saying... curiosity killed the cat? Or rather... the mouse is caught up in it....


He taste like mint with a hint of citrus unlike mine that composed of salt, berries and a hint of metal...

I parted away from him as I saw his flushed face. His blush was colored light blue while mine is indigo than again before this thing happened... My blush was blue but much more deeper.... I wonder if it has something to do with our PATIENCE.

I look down at his shirt forcefully tugging it upwards to have full view of his ribcage and once I did...

I stop still, my hands hovering over the middle where I know I have a huge scar as a constant reminder of the faults that were always ment to happen.

Stars, looking at him now with a flushed face and tears on the side of his eyes made me realize...

He has never been through the pain of having every reset as a genocide run.... he was more slacked with a bit of a rose tinted view on this world...

"Stars, I want to break you" I lowly muttered as I stare deep into his Soul that was inside his ribcage.

My words seem to make him shiver...

This will be fun~


Dust for me has... low key split personality... he is stoic and silent then again he can be harsh, insane and a killer... he is between the lines of a pyschopath and a sociopath cause unlike what others say both aren't completely the same. A sociopath has a weak conscience to which Dust falls a categorie in unlike a psychopath who has no conscience at all . But like a psychopath and a sociopath they have lack of remorse and empathy. He also has weird sexual... you know...

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