NightlyDeaths| Our friends are weird

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I have no fucking idea what the ship name actually is so yeah lol

I'm very sorry but this is kinda me shitposting especially with Epic and Fresh.

Requested by: Genderless_Emo


"How the fuck did we get rope into a double date with those idiots again?"

Nightmare grumbled under his breath as Reaper chuckled.

"I know Epic can be a bit well full of memes but his fine."

They were currently just walking to the restaurant where him and Nightmare will have a double date with Epic and Fresh.

Nightmare rolled his eyes. "I'm more worried about the 90's trash in all honesty."

"You're using Error's line now." Reaper said before holding Nightmare's hand.

"Well his own brother can't stand him what did you expect?"

"This double date will turn out fine... I hope."


"You call this fine?"

Nightmare deadpanned as he looks at him with the most tired look in his eyed.

"I mean.. at least the whole building didn't burn down?"

Reaper shrugs with a small laugh as they were hiding under a table.

Everything was fine at first when they started the double date that is until Fresh and Epic got into an argument on who is the most memest of them all then Cross somehow was able to get in the fight and then one thing led to the other, some one got punch, the trash can is on fire, people are running out screaming and a goat is in the restaurant.

"We are totally banned from this place..." Reaper snickered.

The other rolled his eyes at him. "And your not even a tad bit bothered?"

"Nah, I fucking hate their oysters plus they give coffee a bad name."

He grimaced remembering the taste that coffee left in his mouth. It was just so bitter and their creamer is total shit.

"Wanna go and run out of this place to Starbucks?" Nightmare offered as Reapear let out a sigh.

"Yes please."


"This is my haven...."

Reaper said as he took another sip of his Mocha Frappe latté.

Nightmare snorted. "You say that every time we come in here."

"And every time it's still true..." He chuckled.

The other opened his mouth to say something before stopping and staring at something from his back.

Reaper turned his head seeing that Nightmare was actually staring at the TV in this place.

He pause seeing- wait is that Fresh and Epic together?

Reaper snickered as he fetch his phone from his pocket and then press video.

He watch as the news reporter talk while Epic was being hand cuffed in the back and then suddenly attack the police officer and- wow they were running away- awesome!

"I'll be posting this in Undernet." Reaper snickered as he put away his phone.

"Won't your friends be mad or something?" Nightmare raised a brow at him.

"No, he would be proud actually." Reaper laughs already seeing Epic and Fresh bragging about it to other people.

"You have weird friends..."

"Your one to talk," He pointed a finger at the other. "Remember the time Killer and Horror tried to eat the dust of your cat?" 

"Fair enough," Nightmare shrugs. "We just have really interesting friends I supposed."

"That's one way to put it." Reaper held back a snort.

Nightmare hummed back as he took a sip of his coffee.

He put his hand over the other's as he just let the silence between them be his solace.

Reaper always did love this comfort they gave each other.



(outtakes from when Genderless_Emo tried to request an angst between Fresh and Epic.)

Epic grinned as he walk towards the direction of Fresh and a few of his friends who were animatedly talking.

Fresh noticing his presence, flash him a grin while waving his hand as a  greeting .

"Hey’a broski"

"Morni'n Fresh bruh" Epic said finger gunning him.

"Anyways wanna go 'ta that freshy prom bruh night with meh?"

"Totes cool bruh-


Epic: What's the matter director bruh?

Both of you didn't tell your lines right or act like it! Fresh stop adding too much 90's lingo your normal amount of it is enough! Epic your suppose to blush like B-L-U-S-H

Epic: eh... bruh I don't think it's physically possible for me to blush on command

Fresh: Yeah bruh, plus my super rad fresh lingo is superb special this rad time cause ya actually write me for once broski.

Fresh I had wrote you before

Fresh: yeah but ya never actually publish it, man that was an unrad thing to do

Fresh that one shot literally just contained you possessing someone with your weird *AWESOME  thing and you skating around causing chaos, it's a meme chapter you know that right?- wait did you just censored *AWESOME (shitty) with awesome?

Fresh: yeah bro, don't speak that unrad word

*sighs* I can't believe this is suppose to be an angst chapter...


(Or this one where I just had a debate on my head)

Epic grinned looking towards Fresh while waving at him. Shrugging off the feeling of sudden happiness on just seeing the other-

"Uh bruh, I think you just exaggerated my feelings" Epic said lifting a brow as he RUDELY caught off the narrato-

"Bruh, why are you narrating everything I do and say" he asked looking up at the mysterious voice with a slightly confusi-

"Bruh I'm asking you a question" he said out of nowhere just still looking up the sky where he swore the voice was coming fr-

"Bruh, can ya answer me now?"

Damn it, Epic stop butting in!

"But bruh you are literally just a voice saying anything I do-" he hummed grinning up at the sky-

"Bruh your still doing it"

Epic just shut up and let me do my job

"Wait... ya have job?"



I know it's really not that great but I hope you like it at least.

999 words.

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