Cross x Sans| Correction, you didn't ask me out

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Requested by: YaretzyEsparza


Sans looks at his and his friend's group chat seeing that all of them were already discussing on what they should wear to prom.

He wasn't going to prom for two reasons, one, laziness and two, he doesn't exactly have a date.

Sans didn't mind, he can always just binge watch Netflix with Cross, his best friend, seeing that the last time he check Cross wasn't a party person nor did he mention of asking anyone out.

[Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you!-]

His phone rang as Sans took a look on who is calling which turned out to be Cross, he answered the phone."


"Hey Sans, what color should my tie be for prom?"

Wait Cross is actually going to prom?

"Uh... I don't know?" Sans raised a brow.

"Well we have to match, so like what color is your dress or well tie?"

Okay, now Sans is just purely confuse as hell.

"Hey, yeah since when did you ask me out to prom?"


The line goes dead for a moment as he heard a curse murmur.

"Shit, I forgot to ask you..."

He snickered as he slump his back on the couch.

"I think Ink's memory problems are rubbing off on you bud."

"I screwed up big time didn't I?"

"Well not exactly," Sans softly laughs. "But you did cross a line by forgetting on actually asking me out."

"Not the puns."

The other groaned as Sans held back a chuckle, the other may like puns but whenever his name was used as one Cross would want to just die.

"Anyways, yes I would go to prom with you but for stars sake help me buy some clothes for it."

"Wanna go today? I'm literally at the mall right now."

"Sure thing," Sans chuckled before checking the time seeing it was 1 in the afternoon. "Pick me up at 2?"

"It's a date."

Cross awkwardly chuckled before ending the call.

Sans glance down at his phone before snickering as a blue blush made it's way into his cheeks.

"That idiot..."


"Thanks for asking me out by the way."

Sans laughs as he got in the car.

The other groaned in embarrassment.

"Please don't remind me."

"Hey at least you didn't forget about asking me what color your tie should be." He snickered.

Cross just grumbled as he start up the car. "It just slip out of my mind okay?"

"Alright," Sans shrugs before leaning over and kissing the other on the cheek.

Cross face flushed red. "What was that for?"

He grinned.

"Just wanted to..."


"So let me get this straight," Outer gestures to Cross. "You forgot to actually asked him out?"

Cross grumbles as Sans just chuckled.

They were already at the prom while both him and Cross were dress for the occasion as Sans just told his friends how Cross asked him out.

"Sans I love you but please stop telling everyone how I ask you out, which is never." Cross grunted.

Sans grinned. "Hey at least you know now that your tie should be blue."

"Why did I think asking you out was a  good idea again?"

"Correction, you didn't ask me out."

He pointed out as Cross was just full blown embarrassed.


It's short I know but I tried my best.

This is inspired by:

563 words

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