FirstStar| W-what was that?

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I watch Underverse which Luna had courteously told me about and I was skipping through some Au ideas and this just came in.

I'm sad Outer died and damn Luna was right I just ship em more cause of It so this happened.

Please note I only did this in 40 minutes or less which is why it's so rush


Sans stared at the hand on his knee, feeling the heaviness and warmth from it as he confuse as ever before glancing back to the side to see Outer just calmly watching the TV acting as though everything is just so normal.

'He does know that our parents are gone... does he?'

You see their parents are best friends since high school and since birth had been trying to set them up for literal years. Outer's nice he guess, both of them just have different friend groups that lead them to just be casual friends/acquaintances and nothing more so they don't really like each other that way. Their parents planned on setting them up and for shits and giggles both of them agreed to pretend that they are falling in love with each other according to their parent's plan which they overheard by the way.

So through out the night both them had been mindlessly flirting with each other - and damn does Outer have a way with words - sometimes taking a glance to the side to see that yes their parent's are still watching in their quite obvious hiding place and it was hilarious seeing their reactions. But time has pass and they had gone and he was sure Outer know this too so why the hell does he still have a hand on his knee?

Sans shifted his legs to get more comfortable even though there was a literal hand on his knee and- whoopty dittoo did Outer's hand just rise up to his thighs? Holy shit.

He awkwardly shifted once again before looking to the side seeing Outer glancing at him and as soon as they lock eyes, Sans noticed that there were specks of pink and purple in the other's dark blue eyes a trait that he had only noticed now and stars they seem like they were sparkling- Sans stop before quickly looking away, his face heating up.

Shit! Did he just fucking check Outer out? Holy shit...

He just internal screamed shifting his eyes to look at the tv and tried to forget the hand on his thigh.



Sans sighed in relief, Oh thank the stars that was over!!!!!

His mom just announce that Outer had to leave and they can date again tomorrow so here they are now at the front door of his house as he is awkwardly waving goodbye to Outer.

"Oh honey, aren't you gonna give him a kiss?" His mom cooed.


"...what?" Sans blinks towards his mom, stopping his hand in mid wave.

Arial only rolled her eyes like what Sans said was just plain stupid. "Sweetie your 16 now, you know that people kiss each other after a date went really well."

Sans froze, his eyelights disappearing before he look to the side seeing Outer who was just calmly grinning at him.


Just WHY mom?

"Well I'll be inside to give you two some privacy," Arial winked before walking inside the house, probably setting up the face time in her phone to show the kiss they were expecting to Outer's parents.

Sans face palmed himself, now he sees where Papyrus gets his mischievous side, stars he sure do hopes that his brother doesn't grow up to inherit all of his mom's genes.

"Welp tonight’s been fun I guess," Outer calmly shrugs, a grin evident on his face before he just walk a tad bit closer to Sans.

Damn is it hot in here or is it just him?

Sans gulped the presence of the other was overwhelming to say the least especially when- Oh stars did he just put his face closer to his?!

Outer lightly chuckled not even making a move to back away. "You look cute when your blushing."

He can seriously go die now, like seriously. Where the hell are those cliché romantic moment breakers in his life? Blue where the fuck are you when your usual cutting in conversations are needed? 

"Uh... thanks?"

Real smooth Sans, really fucking smooth.

Outer just playfully sighed before leaning closer, his lips mere inches apart from his as Sans can feel the others each breath from how close they are.

Oh fuck it.

Sans relaxed, his eyes dripping close expecting for Outer to make a move and- there was something smooth just beside his lips before they were gone along with the presence just too close before.

Sans opened his eyes blinking seeing that Outer had back away grinning. He feel the side of his lips realizing that Outer didn't exactly go for the lips only kissing the side close to his lips.

He blinks touching where he was kiss.

Did.... he do that as a fake kiss - in the naked eye he was sure it looks like they kiss with their god damn lips - for his mom who is probably hiding somewhere videoing this or?...

Once they locked eyes with each other, Outer only winked at him grinning before teleporting away. The other probably had already readied his magic when Sans was still in a shock state to be able to just teleport that fast.

W-what was that?....



This is probably one of the fanfics I put really small effort in lol

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