NaJ NightKiller| I'm sure

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Requested by: KathTheGlitchyError


"How come you're so great at history and still need to get tutored?"

Outer, his friend, huffs as he put away his books in his locker.

Killer just grinned at his friend as he close his locker. "We won't just be tutoring on history you know, I just really don't want my grades to slip plus Mr. Nightmare is a great teacher."

"For you..." The other groaned. "I can't get a wink of sleep in that class without getting a nightmare."

"Well, he is named Nightmare for a reason you know." Killer pointed out as his friend sighed.

"Whelp, I'll have to go now." He looks down at his phone seeing the time. "I still have my tutoring session."

Outer snickered. "Wow, you really are a teacher's pet."

Killer pause, his mind going somewhere else before he shakes his head as a red blush made it's way to his cheeks.

"U-uh yeah..."


After school tutoring sessions, Killer finds them fun and interesting especially since Mr. Nightmare is his tutor.

"So it goes like this?" 

Killer asked as he showed Nightmare the equation he did.

Nightmare leaned over close to him, so close that he can practically hear the other's breathing.

"It's alright but," A hand was around him as Nightmare held the notebook. "You forgot to multiply it by x and-"

Is it bad that Killer might have not been listening as his SOUL was beating so quickly right now.

'Close, so close oh my stars...'

"Killer? Killer!"

That broke away his trance.

He blinks seeing Nightmare's face just inches away from him.

"Are you alright? Your face is flushed." Nightmare put a hand on top of his forehead. "You don't seem to have  a fever so..."

The other trailed off now looking down on his lips.


Nightmare leaned closer.

Their lips locked together as Killer can feel every emotion in just one kiss.

It's the type of kiss that shouldn't be and he knows that but he can't seem to be able to pull away or do anything but stay still as the world around them seem like to disappear.

They will probably regret this later.


Outer raised a brow at him. "Hey buddy, are you alright?"

"What do you mean?" Killer ask.

"You've been acting strange all morning." The other pointed out. "Did something happen?"

"No, no, everything's just fine!" He said as he tried to reassure his friend.

"Whatever you say bud." Outer frowns at him but didn't say anything else nonetheless. "We have history next it seems."

He stops still as he felt his face flushing from the memory.

Okay maybe he had suddenly run out of the room when they pulled away.

Shit, his screwed.


Killer has been laying low throughout Nightmare's class, and by that he means siting on the back with Outer instead of the front like usual.

"He helped ratify the Constitution by writing 51 of the 85 installments of The Federalist Papers, can anyone guess who he is?"

No one raised their hands as Nightmare sighed before his eyes landed on a certain skeleton in the back.

"How about you Killer?"

Killer slightly jump at his name before standing up straight.

"Do you know who helped ratify the Constitution by writing 51 of the 85 installments of The Federalist Papers?"

Purple eyelights look at his very SOUL as Killer felt like he could faint from those eyes.

"Alexander Hamilton."

Killer quickly blurted out before sitting down.

Nightmare stared at him a bit longer before nodding and looking away.

"Very good." The other said.

He sighed in relief.


"Meet me after class."

Killer stared at the door of the history class as he remembers what the other said.

He gulps before opening the door and walking in.

"Killer, please sit."

Nightmare said as he was sitting by his desk.

Killer did as so as he felt like he wanted to dust right then and there.


Silence was around the room as neither of them said a word before Nightmare decided to speak up.

"Look kid, I'm gonna asked you a question so please answer it."

He reluctantly nodded.

"Why did you kissed back?"

The other stood up as he walks over to him.


"Please answer me."

Killer looks down at his hands before standing up as well.

It's now or never he guess.

"I like you..."

Nightmare stops still as he looks at him awkwardly. "You're a teenager so this will all just be a phase and-"

"No! I really do like you..." Killer trailed off as he looks to the side. "So please don't call it a phase or some sort of stupid teenage hormones."

The other looks down on him with an unreadable expression in his eyes.

"I'm older than you by a lot of years."

"I don't care."

"I'm your teacher."

"I still don't care."

Nightmare sighed before walking closer so they were just facing one another. "Are you sure your okay with that?"

"I am."

He truthfully answered.

"What if I tell you that I like you too?"

"Then just kiss me..."

Killer dared, his face getting hotter by the second.

Nightmare leaned closer, their faces just inches apart before-

Nightmare pulled away.

"Are you sure or?-"

Killer responded by kissing him and then pulling away.

He grinned.

"I'm sure."


Lol it's kinda rush but fine I think.

Hope you like it Kath!

908 words

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