ErrorMare| Breathe

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Requested by: PachieNyan

I really hope this is what you asked for cause I add sime snippets here and there to make it more fun and interesting

P.S. this is a highschool AU


Error stared at the purple clad skeleton, watching the way the other is just calmly flipping through a book with a blank face as purple eyelights were focused on the pages right in front of them clearly unfazed by the chattering of his friend right beside him.

Why was he staring again?

Oh right cause everything in this world just doesn't add up.

Sometimes Error wonders what the fuck his relationship with Nightmare even is. They hang out with each other almost everyday, compete in the most stupidest things, fight and from time to time just...cuddle, fucking cuddle and the only guy Error ever let touch him or interacted physically with was Blue who had been his friend since childhood but then for some reason a guy he met a year earlier was suddenly part of the list of the only people allowed to touched him.

Him and Nightmare weren't even friends. Hell, both of them clarify this to everyone everyday but they always seemed to just be around each other more than they should for not being friends.

He locked eyes with purple eyelights which he swore turned into neon blue for a second before looking away. Error buried his head into his book hoping to all the stars that the other thought that he was just staring into space and coincidentally made eye contact with him.

"Even I had to admit, this is just sad," Blue mused aloud.

Error snorted, turning to look a his friend with a deadpan stare. "Sheesh, thanks a lot Blue."

Blue frowned at him. "Error your reading 'A Guide to Relationships For Idiots' while staring at Nightmare, of course that's just sad."

Error opened his mouth to say something but before he could a certain skeleton decided to speak up. "What are you guys talking about?"

Error almost jumped when he recognized that voice immediately but composed himself as much as he could before turning his head to look at the side where Nightmare is with a blank stare.

"Something that is none of your business," Error spoke as best as he could with a monotone voice to hide his internal screaming as he hide the title of the book he was reading. After saying that a smirk work it's way to the other's mouth.

The smirk playing on the other's features was always able to annoy him, it was like the other knew something that he didn't but he tried to control his irritance as he locked eyes with the other.

"Why did you come over here?" Error lifted a brow at the other to which Nightmare calmly shrugs at.

"We're partnered for that baking project, remember?"

Shit, he had forgotten about that.

Error simply nodded.

"Anyways, knowing how forgetful you can be, I'm here to remind you about the fact that your supposed to come to my place tomorrow at 10, so don't forget."

"Why your place again?"

Nightmare snorted. "Because my house is closer to the supermarket."

"....Good point."

After a few words were exchange Nightmare got back to his seat as Error turned back to Blue who was awfully quite throughout his conversation with Nightmare.

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