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Updates will be 4 chapters a week

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Updates will be 4 chapters a week

Look, I was planning on releasing a whole book that's why I took days off but out of nowhere my brother was like "Pack your bags we're going swimming"

I already know about this trip but at first me and my brother don't really want to go cause public isn't really what we like until he realize it was a private pool and drag me into this, being the good sister I am I pretty much just go along with him cause if I were to decide all you could get from me is "oh, okay" even when it is not relevant at all.

Lets just say after the trip...

My whole body pretty much forgot to function, if I try to get up my head would spin and I will trip in thin air.

This lasted for 3 days which limited me to doing any clear thinking at all.

So... damn I'm pretty bad at promises....

Look I know I stop down the request already and all but if I may ask... well not really asking... more like anouncing..... if I can take a week or 2 break and only post on the new book as of schedule cause really I wasn't able to do any writing at all and my head still kept spinning.... never mind I'm actually asking...

Can I please have a few days off?...

Gosh, I'm bad at promises..... but for real this time after the break I will try... key word: try.... to post and be active as fuck...

That's all

Thank you....

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