FirstStar| I would

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Fun Fact: This was supposed to be a side story to the An Unplanned Gift but went unfinished because of laziness.

Requested by: ACupOfFliss


"I can't believe those guys can't make it."

Outer huffs as he looks down at his phone seeing messages from Lust.

Sans shrugs. "Well they always have their own thing, it's a waste of tickets though."

Him, Outer, Razz, Red, Blue and Lust where all supposed to watch the premier of a new horror movie that was said to be a real thriller but somehow Red got double book for a meeting and Blue had forgotten about the Underswap hang out or something like that.

While Razz and Lust well, they called saying they can't make it because of 'something' which Sans knows that they were just about to have sex.

"Guess, we'll just have to go watch it together." He said before looking down on his phone. "But it'll have to wait seeing the movie will start at 2 pm and it's still 12."

"So what do you wanna do?" Outer asks.

Sans snickered. "Honestly, I just want to sleep."

"As much as I think that's a great idea, we can't exactly sleep in the mall." Outer pointed out.

"We can always just teleport back to our houses."

The other raised a brow at him.

"Sans, the mall is too far away from our houses."

"Fine..." He groaned. "Let's go check out the book store or-"

His non-existent stomach grumbled loudly.

Outer snickers. "How about we eat lunch first?"

Sans shifted his eyes away, embarrass.

"Yeah, that's a great idea."


"Don't tell Tori this but this might be the greatest pie I've ever tasted."

Sans said as he took a bite of the sweet delicious apple pie that they've ordered in a restaurant.

"If I said that to my universe Toriel she would've probably challenge whoever made this." Outer laughs.

"She totally would." Sans chuckled.

He had met Outertale! Toriel a bunch of times. She was pretty much the Toriel he knew but more passive- aggressive and likes challenges whenever it comes to her baking, her and Sans are good friends.

"My stars, I'm gonna marry this pie." Sans hummed as he took another bite.

Outer playfully rolled his eyes at him.

"Sans that would be just sad."

"Sad but fucking delicious." He winks.

"Aren't you thinking of marrying, I don't know, an actual person?"

"Nah," Sans shrugs. "Plus who would actually want to marry me?"

The other mumbled something under his breath which Sans wasn't able to hear.

"What did you say bud?"

Outer sighed but grinned at him.

"It's nothing."


Sans stares at the large screen as he watch the girl walk around the dark forest room with the most terrified look in her eyes.

He awkwardly shifted in his seat as he was mesmerize by the movie itself.

Footsteps echoed throughout the theater just from one scene as everything else was dead silent.

The girl stop walking for a moment before looking at a certain tree, she slowly moves towards it before a someone unknown started counting from behind the tree as Sans knows that a jump scare will be coming next.

"Don't do it you idiot..." Sans muttered under his breath.

One, the girl tried to talk to the figure only to be ignored.

Two, She stops still before continuing and leaning her head to see who the figure is.

Three, the figure stops still before-


Sans shouted hugging the nearest thing there is as everyone else in the theater screamed.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Sans grumbled under his breath before realizing that he had hug Outer's arm by accident.

He can feel the other's SOUL beating quickly as Sans thought that the other must be scared as well.

"Hey Outer?"

The other gulps. "Yeah?"

"Is it alright if I just keep hugging your arm? I'm kinda scared..." he awkwardly chuckled.

"S-sure thing."

Sans let out a breath before continuing on watching the movie.


"Damn that was a pretty great movie."

Sans hummed as they got out of the movie theater, his eyes still adjusting to the light.

"Yeah and you were really scared too." The other chuckled.

"Hey, at least my SOUL wasn't beating as fast as you." He pointed out.

Outer blinks at him. "What do you mean?"

"Dude, I can hear your SOUL beating so loudly, the movie must have sent a chill run down your spine." Sans grinned.

"Uh yeah..." Outer awkwardly chuckled before shifting his gaze to the side.

"It was definitely the movie..."


ANOTHER Fun Fact: The tittle of this chapter is what Outer muttered under his breath when Sans jokes about no one wanting to marry him ;)

I hope you like it love!

799 words

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