Deleted Chapters of Shit

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Hey guys in this chapter will be my deleted/draft chapters though many of them have no continutation at all and I had given up on them...


For the first one is when I'm getting very anxious cause in a few days I will be starting in a new school and I know I won't be able to update but when I wrote it the chapter was just too fruitless and bland hell it wasn't even what I wanted for the book to end so I scratch it out this was for chapter 8: revelations anyways so I was so fucking frustrated. This is a hated chapter of mine really....


Chapter 8: Revelations (scratch of my One big unplanned mistake shit)

Sans sighed as he undressed himself, until his shirt was the only thing left, if you were asking what is happening well that is; he was currently getting ready to have a warm shower. Sans couldn't believe it was almost 4 months of his pregnancy without Red or Blue knowing.

He took a look of himself in the bathroom mirror. The baby bump had gotten bigger making it a little harder for him to hide it though it was a good thing his jacket has gotten handy through out all of this, you see the jacket always makes him look fat heck even convincing Papyrus that skeletons do get fat until one time he decided to take it off when it needed to be wash.

Sans then sighed once again as he lifted his shirt leaving him fully naked, he was about to drop his sweater on the floor along with his other clothes but before he could even do that the bathroom door suddenly open catching Sans of guard making him yelp.

"Hey Sans have you..........." Red said trailing off when he saw Sans naked, he flushed slightly and was about to close the door to leave the other some privacy until he noticed the bump that was under the other's ribcage.

Red in the almost speed of light run towards Sans pinning the other on the nearest wall. Sans yelp from the sudden action as he grew anxious when Red eyed his stomach seeing the two souls in it.

Silence fell between them




A lot of thoughts suddenly got into Sans head as the other stayed silent for minutes to what felt like hours 'Oh God, please don't hate me, please don't feel disgusted, please don't-'

Sans thoughts were cut off when Red yelled in a monotonous voice "BLUE GET IN HERE"

Blue quickly get in and was about to question the other why the heck did he yelled him to come over in the bathroom but his question quickly died down his throat when he saw Sans. He stop dead in his tracks eyesockets wide as saucers.

'Oh God this is the end' Sans thought as he was about close to tears already picturing both of the others faces in a disappointed and disgusted frown. He was already picturing them yelling at him for ruining their friendship and both of their relationship. He just wish he would just die and turn to dust right there.

"S-sans why wouldn't you tell us?" Blue said walking closer to where Sans and Red where at until he was beside Red who had just let go of Sans. Sans felt tears go down his sockets as he shrink under their gaze.

"Omg..........." Blue said putting hand over his mouth his voice being muffled slightly "OMG.... I am going to be a father" Blue said cheerfully caughting Sans off guard as he look at the two of them with a confuse look seemingly enough Blue looks to be happy with the news as Red was smiling not a grin or smirk but a true genuine smile.

"W-what?...... You guys aren't...........D-disgusted or mad by....... All of this?" Sans said confused as fuck. Red and Blue shake their heads to the side.

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