Ganz x GanzSwap| You know I hate liars

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Requested by: LunaxThexNight

I dont know what GZswaps nickname is so if someone can please tell me that will perfect but for now I'll call him.... Ashur...

Cause base on what i saw in a site it means...


Ashur is a lovely Assyrian mythology name, belonging to the supreme deity of the Assyrian Empire. Ashur is the Assyrian ruler of the gods, the creator of all things and the god of war. It is also associated with a character on “Spartacus”.

So yeah.....

Ganz groaned as he awoke, he felt light headed and as though there was a hammer that kept pounding on his head.

He didn't go drinking but why the hell does his head- he felt a tug at his souo when he tried to move.

He look down seeing wires- wait what. Wires were connected to his soul and a few all over his skeleton connected towards a machine with a screen showing words that he cant read from where he was at.

The room he was in was not at all his room in the ruins. It was white and blank much like a hospital room instead of the slight purple colors in the room he stayed at. His SOUL is beating in horror more than it should.

Shit, did he get captured or something? Is he going to die? Oh stars, how are the people back in the ruins-

'Morning sleeping beauty' Mel sarcastically said face blank and not all impress.


'Inner voice Sans, they're watching us' Mel quickly cut him off as he jerk a thumb towards the other side of the room where indeed there is a security camera.

'Mel where are we?' He once again examine the room he was in as he tried to stand up but there was a weight on his chest that stops him to do so.

"The hell?" He groaned.

'Wait this is that blue attack of paps.... shit, I am dead-'

'don't get your panties in a twist, it was not your brother' Mel quickly cut him off as he floated to his side.

'Then who the hell cast this on me if not Papyrus, as far as I know there are no other skeleton monsters in the underground' Ganz asked lifting a brow.

'How about... you' Mel said pointing at Ganz.

'Uhmm... I think I would know if I cast a blue attack on myself' Ganz look at Mel as though he was a walking contradiction.

Mel shrugged 'Well not exactly you more like a look alike'


'When you were unconcious I saw two figures walk in, some guy who looks much like you and... well me... but with your brother's type of clothing with Undyne-'

Ganz opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Mel.

'No, not the Undyne you know, They look alike but this Undyne was in a lab coat with a pair of glasses plus her SOUL has the same feel as Undyne but at the same time not'

'How the hell does that work?'

Mel scoffs 'I don't know Sans, how about we actually had fallen into some sort of portal and shit'

It happened so fast, Papyrus was able to intrude in the ruins with a whole pack of army, screams erupted in the air, he was running for his life tears welling up on his eyes as he past through the trees in a nearby forest on snowdin.

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