CrossMare| No just... no

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Requested by: _-KitsuneFoxK_-

Soulmate AU: where whenever you kiss your Soulmate your SOUL heals and when you kiss someone that isn't fated to you it cracks your SOUL


Two monsters were sitting on a bed, both SOULS beating differently from one another as sorrow was the only thing there is.

Tear slowly fell down his eyes as he looks at Nightmare, the one he truly love.

"Maybe- maybe we can try again-"


The other shouted causing Cross to flinched away.

Nightmare noticed this and lifted his hand to comfort him only to stop still before shifting his gaze away from him.


Nightmare said as he puts down his hand.

Such Cruel Fate was to make two beings who love each other so dearly to not be soulmates.

He gulps before reaching his hand out to the other.

"Nightmare p-please just once and that's all...."

Such an empty and broken hope.

The other frowns at him with the most heartbreaking look in his eyes before Nightmare just sighed.

"Fine but just this and it's-" Nightmare gulps.

"It's over..."

Even hearing those words hurt more than his SOUL literally giving out.

Nightmare leaned towards him, their faces inches apart before their lips finally touched.


Two SOULS crack as pain shot through them.

"No..... oh stars..."

Cross sobbed as he held his chest, the pain of letting go was harder than the actually injury.

"Night I- just once more and maybe-"

"No just.... no..."

Nightmare sobbed.

"This was a mistake, we shouldn't have ever even met, your SOUL wouldn't be so damaged and-"

"Please just please... don't say that..."

His voice was hoarse from the crying as tear tracks were visible on his cheeks.

Nightmare shifted his gaze away from him.

"We're not Soulmates Cross, just please for the love of the stars accept it..."

"But I don't want to..."

He croaks out.

"Who says I don't want the same thing?"

Nightmare mumbled as tears fell down his cheeks.

Two SOULS beating differently, Two who are not fated nor are supposed to love one another...

Loves each other anyways...


It's short I know but I don't really do well with angst unless well It's a whole book.

372 words.

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