ClassicBerry|Half of the internet thinks we're dating

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Sans look down at the big ass box on the floor, thinking on just pushing it inside than carrying it like a normal person or just flat out leave it there, he sighed before reluctantly bending down and positioned his hands under it.





Sans groaned as he lifted the heavy box before staggering back from it's weight as he leaned on the wall as some sort of support.

He was currently moving in on his new flat. Why? Well first of all work and a new start. Sans is a writer and the publishing company that currently took interest in his work wanted him to move to Ebott City also known as the big city where the publishing company's organization was mostly place at, really Sans didn't exactly know the logical reason on why when he could have just sent them his chapters via messages but hey he doesn't want to get declined just because of him saying that.

Second of all, he needs to pay for his brother's college tuition, kinda, and he said kinda because his brother actually got a scholarship making Sans happy that his cool brother was able to do such thing -not that he underestimated his brother, he actually saw this coming- plus the university that accepted him was really popular and basically the dream university of almost everyone. 

Though the university his brother is attending is really far away causing Sans to pay for an airplane ticket, give his brother an allowance and pay for a dorm which are all really expensive cause airplane tickets are pricey as hell, the dorm there is really expensive because the city where the university is place at is actually a rich city and his brother's allowance would also be a huge expense because like he said earlier the city is a rich city causing lots of things there to be more expensive than a regular city.

Lastly, his actually happy to move here cause there are a lot of really good paying jobs in this city base on what he heard from the others plus the apartment his in is actually being payed by the publishing company so hell yeah.

Now all he needs to think of is budgeting, try to get as many jobs as possible and write more chapters on his currently ongoing book. He would have to pause his baking habit for a long while cause the ingredients are expensive and a waste of money anyways, he would have to make a sleeping schedule of like... 4-2 hours a day? Yeah, he could probably just live off with bread and cup noodles for dinner, lunch and breakfast.

Sans sighed before deciding that he should move this box now cause yes thinking of all of this stressful things right now when he was leaning against the wall and is probably about to fall like an idiot is not really a good idea. He slowly took a few steps towards the room where he would put all the kitchen appliances at which was written on the box in red marker.

Sans took a few more steps his feet stuttering as he walk before seeing the counter, he sighed that's too high for him to be able to get enough force to lift the box, he groaned making a futile attempt to still place it on top of the counter-


He fell

His butt had harshly planted itself on the floor with a loud thump, the box he was holding a while back is now open the items inside of it scattered around the floor.

Oh fickely fackely fuc-

"OH MY STARS I HEARD A NOISE IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?-" the voice stop probably already seeing the mess he made. Sans sighed, he forgot to lock the door didn't he? And now his neighbor already saw him in a really embarrassing state, quite an introduction......

"Uhmmm... Do you need help?" The voice said and on how it was toned Sans can tell it was a guy and is actually worried. 

"Yeah... You could say I'm in a...." he trailed of before snickering "bad kitchenuation"

[COMPLETE] Sanscest One-shots, Drabbles And Lemons 2Where stories live. Discover now