Cream [2]| Chocolate or Vanilla?

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Pretty much the continuation to that other cream thing that I did.


Cross felt indifferent towards parties. Sure he likes socializing to people but at the same time he could use some space from this mingling sweaty bodies that are literally mashing against each other.

The smell of alcohol and sweat in the air is as strong as ever. That awful music that people are only dancing to because they were to drunk to even care/notice is pulsing trough the entire room along with the booming in his heart.

Cross look to side the seeing Horror just casually flirting with a bunch of monsters, - that Cross was sure were drunk from how much giggling they were making - a slurred grin on his face meaning that the other is drunk.

He saw Killer a few meter away from horror dozing off in the corner, looking as though he would have fainted right then and there.

Found two, now where's Dust?

Eyes searching the place, Cross found Dust in that lonesome corner that he was sure he would have miss if it weren't for the fact that the glaring pink neon glow in the dark face paint he put on Dust's cheek is standing out like a bump in the road.

The other seemed to be talking to another girl who looks like was making advances towards Dust who was either to drunk to notice or was saying he is in a relationship but to his dismay the girl only kept shoving alcohol towards Dust's face.

Cross sighed putting down his glass filled with alcohol, as much he sure wants a drink right now for how idiotic his friends are, he still needs to be sober and stop this idiots from doing something they will regret in the morning.

He first walk towards Dust's direction - cause stars knows that if Dust accidentally cheated shit will happen - cutting in between the girl and Dust.

From the look on the girls face the other wasn't happy. Cross sighed, stars this will be like one of those times right?

"I'm sorry but me and my friend will have to go now."

The girl look pissed saying something to him that he either blocked out for losing any fucks in the world or it was just the music that blared out her voice. Either way Cross didn't care he just shoved past the girl and speed walked back to his seat while dragging Dust with him before the girl could even start whining and making a huge scene.

After getting the other to seat he waved his hand in front of Killer's face "Dust- hey, hey, dude look at me," he lightly slap Dust's face to get the other to look at him, face looking daze.

Good enough he guess.

"Listen to me, you stay here while I get Horror and Killer okay?"


Cross nodded walking towards Horror, tugging the other's hands away from the group the other was talking/flirting to just a minute ago.

"Heeyyy." Horror whined but didn't tried to make a move to walk back to where he was just.

Cross sighed, dragging the other using Horror's sleeves "Horror you have Chlamydia so for fucks sake get yourself together and don't drag those people into this."

Cross shoved Horror's body to sit on the couch right next to Dust

"Stay." he deadpanned before turning around to go look for Killer-SHIT, he loss Killer, he swear to the stars if he saw Killer with some food smeared on their face that will inevitably just fall on his car he will literally cry.

He look around the room, looking through the mashing bodies and the crowd before seeing Killer, finally-

"Wait... WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?" Cross eyes widened seeing a guy dragging an unconscious Killer with their filthy hands on the other's ass.

[COMPLETE] Sanscest One-shots, Drabbles And Lemons 2Where stories live. Discover now