MilkyWay x Lavender| I miss you...

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Milkyway belongs to Honkies
Lavender belongs to me


Lavender deals with the lost his lover.

While In another time, another place and another star...

Milkyway has to deal with the bittersweet memories of someone who has passed.


Lavender slumped his back against the wall as he listened to the ringing from his phone.

The phone kept on ringing until it lead him directly to the prerecorded message from Milkyway.

Hi! It's Milkyway, I'm sorry if I didn't pick up either because I was busy or currently doing something else.

If this is Uncle Ace, Yes I'll remember to visit you with Lavender this weekend.

If this is Azure, We'll hang out on Tuesday and again congrats on whatever you accomplished today!

If you are Jester, I already promised to never break Lavender's heart and am keeping my hands to myself.

If you're Amethyst, I'll bring back the book I borrowed by Thursday.

If this is Margarita, don't worry I'll bring the sweets to your party this month.

If you're Lavender, I'll be home soon, yes I'm just doing fine and not injured, Yes I miss you too, Yes, I am still in love you and no, I will never leave you.

Don't forget to take in your anti-depressants and if you're currently having a panic attack remember our breathing exercise... I love you

The message ended as he grips the phone tightly.


"I love you too." He said in hushed whisper.

Warm tears fell from his eyes as Lavender choked back a sob, his back slowly slide down the wall until he was just sitting on the cold hard floor.

He held the phone close to his chest as he was crying his heart out.

"I miss you..."

Lavender would always break down whenever he hears the other's message.

After all, This was the only way he was able to hear the other’s voice ever again...


The smell of freshly brewed coffee mixed with flowers wasn't apparent in his small little home anymore even the little sounds of someone strumming the ukulele was not heard as all was silent.

Milkyway trace a hand over the walls as he looks around the kitchen.

The vase on the side wasn't filled with anymore flowers, he had lost the will to change it every week.

A cabinet just by is fully stocked of instant coffee, He doesn't drink coffee much but still couldn't let go of the habit of buying a pack of those every time he visits the store.

He shakes his head before walking to his bedroom, humming a small tune under his breath as he looks around the halls.

When was the last time he sang? He couldn't remember but he still knows every lyric to the song that him and Lavender had made.

Milkyway entered his bedroom before stopping still as he glances at the cabinet on the side.

All of Lavender's clothes are still there, he couldn't throw them away or donate them for they mean so much to him.

His gaze then landed on the bed that him and the other shares. It was neatly folded and clean but he still finds it to be too big just for one person.

Milkyway grips on the side of his shirt tightly as he bit back the bittersweet tears.


"I miss you..."


I don't know what their ship name should be ;-;

I’m supposed to be asleep but like I have too many things inside my head right now and shipping is most of it lmao.

593 words.

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