ClassicBerry| Don't hey me

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Heads up for a lot of time skips lol.



Sans said as he sat beside Blue who was sitting on the ground and looking up at the stars.

"Don't hey me." Blue huffs.

He chuckled before glancing up at the stars.

"What's with you this past few days? You've acting kinda grumpy since last week." Sans spoke up still looking at the stars.

"No I wasn't." The other was quick to deny.

Sans just once again chuckled. "I'm pretty sure getting irritated easily and yelling is what we call being grumpy."

Blue snorted at his logic but didn't say anything nonetheless.

"You can talk to me about it if you want." He said looking over at Blue.

The other glance back at him before turning away and not saying anything.

Sans sighed. "Just remember if you want to talk, I'm always here."

Blue eyes stared at him as Sans just grinned back.

He looks up at the stars, watching them twinkle and shine as moonlight shone over them.

Sans felt something in his hand making him look down on it seeing a hand over his. He looks over at Blue who was just still looking up at the stars.

He just smiled and glance back up at the stars allowing this comfortable silence be it's own.

This is nice.



Sans said as his face was inches away from Blue's own.

"Don't hey me..."

Blue said back rather dazedly as his eyes landed on Sans 'lips'.

How did they ended up like this again?

All Sans remember was they were just talking and suddenly their faces was so close to each other, so much that he can practically feel the other breathing- holy shit Sans wants to kiss those lips.

He doesn't remember who leaned first or if they just did it the same time but one things for sure.

Sans and Blue kissed.



Blue said with a flushed face as his hands were on his back.

"Don't hey me..."

Sans awkwardly chuckled as a blush made it's way onto his cheeks.

Let's just say it has been awkward between them since they first kiss.

"So uhmm..." The other awkwardly cleared his throat.

He raised a brow.

"Sans, I like you." Blue shifted his gaze to the side. "I really like you..."

"Oh..." Sans gulps as his SOUL started beating rather quicker and quicker.

"So... wouldyouliketogooutwithme."

Blue quickly said the last part as he shove something in his face.


Roses and lavenders to be precise, all bundled together by a small white bow.

[COMPLETE] Sanscest One-shots, Drabbles And Lemons 2Where stories live. Discover now