Chapter Two: Goodness Class

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Bella's Pov

I was walking the halls after coming from Princess Etiquette class, which I hated. The course was unfair since I believed Princess's shouldn't have to act so perfect. Plus the guidelines that princesses had to find a prince was outrages. What if a princess wanted to find a princess? What if a prince wanted a prince? What if the princess saved the prince for once? I went to my locker, smiling at the picture of Ben and I when we were four.

It was when Ben and I were playing tag and I fell in the pond, so Ben had to save me since I couldn't swim. Dad was worried sick, but Mom found us cute and took the photo. The conversation we had yesterday still was stuck in my head and I smiled knowing Ben and I would always have each other's back no matter what.

" Bella! Bella!" I heard and closed my locker to see Jane Fairy walk over with some papers in her hand." Oh, thank god I found you."

" Is everything okay, Jane?"

" No, I have to deliver these to my mom, but she's in a class with the...Villain kids." Jane said, whispering the last part." I'm scared of them, so I wanted to ask you since you already met them to hand these to her."

" Jane, they're not scary." I promised." They're just like us."

Jane rolled her eyes, still having the same fear." Yeah, but their parents could have told them to do something to us. They are scary."

" Here. I will go with you to deliver these, but you have to give it to your mother." I said, seeing the fear in Jane's face, but she nodded with a slight groan.

" Fine," Jane said and I smiled walking with her to the classroom.

Inside, I saw Jay and Carlos on one side of the room while Mal and Evie were on the other. Jane looked to me a bit scared, but I shook my head and pointed to Jane's mother. Jane nodded and walked, but when she passed the kids, she yelped and ran a bit faster.

" Oh, hello, dear one. I see you brought the Princess with you." Fairy godmother said, making the kids turn and see I was a couple desk away from them standing.

She waved, and Evie waved back while Mal gave a small one. Jay smirked, and Carlos smiled, still a bit nervous around me from what I could tell.

" Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation."

" Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane ?" Fairy Godmother announced.

" Mom, no!" Jane yelled, scared what they would do to her.

" It's okay. Jane, this is everyone."

" Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were." Jane said, and when she passed them, gave a second yelp. She got to me in one piece and looked a bit relieved." Please don't make me do that again."

" You faced your fear," I said and smiled while leaving, but I turned to see Carlos staring at me.

After study hall, I walked to my locker, grabbing my History textbook when I heard Jay and Carlos down the hallway walking towards.

" Jay, please help me." Carlos begged," I have no idea where Mr. Richlane is."

" Just ask someone."

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