Chapter Nineteen: Dragon Fever

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Third Person Pov

" True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name !" Uma's voice boomed in everyone's ear.

She felt the wickedness course in her veins and began to move the ocean to her command. Everyone on the boat screamed in fear seeing Uma recreate the whirlpool Ursula made with Ariel and Eric. Bella tried to hold on for dear life watching everyone swirl around the boat.

" Bella !" She heard and looked across from her seeing Carlos holding onto the side of the boat.

" Carlos !" She screamed back covering her face when she was almost hit by a flying glass bowl.

Mal held onto the side of the boat knowing nothing good could come out of what was happening. Her eyes quickly turned green angry by it all. She was shaking. Not in fear, but in rage.

" Mal ?" Ben called out making her look up before purple smoke invade her.

Ben worried till a purple dragon came out screeching and already flying to stop Uma. The sea witch saw this and stopped the whirlpool ready to fight Mal. Everyone screamed on the boat, but it was Bella to scream the loudest when she fell off.

" Bella !" Carlos screamed already on his feet and running over, but Uma's long tentacles slapped him right out of the way and into the food table.

" Aah !" Uma yelled before laughing.

Bella managed to kick her legs and got to surface struggling for dear life. Uma laughed before wrapping her tentacles around Bella and picking her up.

" Come on, Mal ! You do want to save you're sister-in-law right ?" Uma teased dunking Bella in the water.

" No !" Carlos screamed watching Uma take her back out.

Bella gasped for air coughing out all the water that had entered her lungs. Mal was angry and used her fiery breathe making Uma yell a bit in pain. Uma got upset and waved a tentacle again almost hitting the girl.

" Aah !"

" Watch out !" Ben yelled before the boat rocked even worst.

The members on the boat went side to side holding onto anything they could. Ben looked seeing the two were still fighting, but most importantly, Bella's life was on the line. Uma waved her tentacle again almost hitting Mal in the wing when she lost her grip on Bella.

" Ah !" Bella yelped before plunging into the waters below.

" Bella !" Ben yelled already taking his crown and shoes off before diving into the water.

" Wait, Ben ! No !" Evie yelled looking down to see she was too late.

Mal was causing Uma to get angrier and angrier by the minute. She created yet again another wave pool, but this time wrapped Bella and Ben in it.

" Look at it, Mal. I got your baby and his witty sister." Uma teased glaring up to the dragon.

Bella and Ben were dunked under the water multiple times not being able to catch their breathes. Carlos knew it was a death wish, but he took his shoes off also before diving into the water.

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