Chapter Four: Everything I Need

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Third person pov

It was the next day since the Tourney game winning and Ben singing his heart to Mal. Bella sat in her room reading a book while Chip jumped up and down on her bed giggling. Chip was excited like any other child and Bella didn't care. She was used to the cup jumping. A knock came to her door, so she got up seeing Lonnie was too busy doing her hair in the bathroom. She opened the door to see a happy Evie and nervous Mal.

" Your brother asked Mal on a date today !" Evie cheered making Bella smile widely a bit shocked and happy.

" Oh boy! Ben has a date?!" Chip yelled making Evie squeal a bit surprised.

" You have a talking Cup staring at us."

" Evie, this is Chip."

" Hello there." Chip said smiling at Evie, who waved a bit scared still.

" Hi. Come on, we have to dress Mal."

" Evie-" Mal groaned, but she hushed her.

" Come on!" Evie said grabbing Bella's hand and going to their dorm.

" Bye Chip."

" Bye Belly!" Chip yelled calling her by her nickname.

They got to Mal and Evie's dorm instantly raiding her closet. Evie and Bella put together an outfit and smiled changing her in it. Evie was busy getting her makeup stuff ready while Bella and Mal stood in the bathroom.

" I'm glad Ben broke up with Audrey and chose you." Bella admitted.

" Really ?" Mal said a bit surprised." I thought you would hate it since I'm a-"

" Villain ?" Bella questioned before shaking her head." No, I'm not closed minded. He seems...happier around you. Like himself. All Audrey wanted to do was the things she wanted to do and Ben would do it because he thought they had something. Plus, Audrey was very mean to me. You're not. You're like my friend."

" I never had someone say that to me. Well, except Evie and the boys."

" Well, I like you guys." Bella said with a deep smile." You're all so different and different is cool. Everyone here is almost like a copy."

" Do...Do you have feelings for Carlos ?" Mal asked and Bella blushed a bit while picking a second curl up.

" I would lie if I said no. Ever since I saw him come out that limo." Bella said noticing Mal went into a bit of shock at her statement." There was something. He's cute and...sweet. He makes me happy when he's with me. Never had that before. The boys here are...weird, think about themselves. The only boys that are decent is my brother and Doug."

" I'm're happy..."

" Same to you. Ben is my brother, but if he breaks your heart I will break his leg. For you, I will yell at you. Have a feeling you turn people into lizards." Bella said making Mal laugh. Bella put the curling wand down and smiled." You're all done. Evie will do your makeup."

" Bells, you did so great on her hair." Evie said while both girls walked into the room.

" Thanks, it's the first time I actually did someone's hair." Bella said while she sat and read a book.

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