Chapter Twelve: Chillin Like A Villian

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Third Person Pov

" Jay, keys. Remote." Ben said tossing him stuff while Carlos held Bella hand and walked quickly over to the limo.

She had a whole new look and it looked very new and cute on her. Bella was ready to go to the Isle, but it was Carlos that was very worried about her going.

" Wait !" Evie called out making everyone stop nervous." Somethings wrong."

" Oh." Ben said seeing what Evie saw wrong was the way his beanie looked on his head. Everyone nodded glad it was that and not something worst.

" There."

" Shotgun !" Someone yelled and they all turned only to see it was Dude. Everyone looked shocked, but it didn't seem to faze Carlos the least.

" No, Dude. Stay. The Isle is way too dangerous."

" Did he just..."

" Talk ? Yeah. I know. Tell you later." Carlos said to Bella who nodded and went over to the limo. Carlos and Jay sat in the front while Evie, Bella, and Ben sat in the back.

" Let's go."

" Okay, once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. Got it ?"

" Got it." Carlos said and just like that the kids fled away onto the isle. It was even more darker there then on Auradon. The minute Bella got out the Limo, Carlos grabbed her hand." Help me with the tarp."

" Okay." She said letting his hand go and putting the sheet over the limo.

" Jay ?"

" Yeah ?" Jay said while Bella tossed the tarp over the other side they covered the limo.

" Hey, what's in here ?" Ben asked and they all turned, but it was the VK's to pull Ben back.

" Ben !"

" You don't want to know." Jay said pushing him away from it.

" Hey guys. Keep it chill, alright ? The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here." Carlos said looking at Bella, who nodded like the others.

He then reached over and grabbed her hand making sure no one would touch her. They walked and Carlos felt Bella squeezing his hand a bit afraid seeing hobo's stare.

" Hey !" They heard and turned seeing Evie stopping two kids from robbing her." Hey ! Stop."

The two little kids felt fearful and both Evie and Bella felt sorry for them.

" Just take it. Go on." She said letting them go. They smiled and ran off. Evie turned back around, but groaned." Ugh Ben."

They followed her to see Ben was acting a bit too nice for being on the Isle.

" Ben, stop. Just stop." Evie said while Carlos released his hand on Bella's and went up to the pirate with a glare. Jay pulled him back and they all turned to Ben.

" Why ?"

" Ben, this isn't a parade. It's the isle." Bella said knowing better then him.

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