Chapter Fourteen: Not Your Choice

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Third Person Pov

Bella, Jay, and Carlos were quick to get back to Auradon. Bella almost ran to their dorm with the boys hot on her tail. All she wanted was to get in and get out. She wanted her brother back more then ever knowing Uma could do anything to him such as a murder on her hands. When they were walking Dude came out of their room making Carlos smile.

" Hi. Oh, I'm sorry I'm late, Dude. Ben got captured." Carlos cooed while Bella looked up noticing something a bit off.

" Uh, Carlos. Why is your door open ?" Bella asked making Jay and Carlos look at each other.

They got to the entrance to see Chad their using the boy's 3D printer to make something.

" You've got to be kidding me."

" I knocked."

" Go on, Dude." Carlos said letting the pup go onto his bed.

Bella groaned taking her jacket off and sitting on Carlos's bed. Carlos reached his hand out and Chad groaned handing over the key.

" What is that ?"

" Oh. That's a little Chad action figure. Zoom !" Chad said making his doll fake fly in the air." Well, minus the head."

" Sounds like an improvement. " Bella said bumping Chad over so she could get the 3D printer.

Carlos moved next to her using his phone to make the wand. Chad being his normal stuff looked over their shoulders seeing everything.

" Why are you guys making Fairy Godmother's Wand ?" Chad asked making the three look at him noticing they got caught.

Bella looked over to the two boys looking for help, but it did not work.

" Oh."

" Uh, why are we making Fairy Godmother's wand?" Carlos said looking to Bella.

She looked back to Chad trying to come up with anything at the moment that could help her.

" Because, uh..."

" Ben's been captured !" Dude yelled making the four look at him a bit crazy.

"  What ?! Dude can talk ?"

" I was stalling. I thought you forgot."

" Chad, don't tell anyone ! Ben's life depends on it." Jay said while Chad thought about it with a small smile.

" Really ?  So, if something were to happen, you know what I'm saying..."

" Something bad, we get it."

" God forbid. But if something were to happen, who do you think would be in line to be king ?"

" Me and it wouldn't be king it would be Queen." Bella sasses before rolling her eyes." You're a terrible best friend you know."

"  Is it me, or is that in really poor taste?" Jay said while Bella moved to the door and pointed for Chad to get out. He took the hint and nodded holding the doll in his head.

" I'm taking this." He said leaving while Bella rolled her eyes." And if you think I-" He was saying, but Bella slammed the door in his face and wiped her hands proud of herself.

" Thank you, Bella. All right." Carlos said working the magic on the wand." Everything so far looks good with the copy. Same handle same design. All we have to do, is wait it out."

It took hours before the wand was actually ready to be used. Jay woke up first hearing the wand ready and patted Carlos, who was asleep next to him.

" Carlos !"

"Hmm ? What ?" Carlos said till he saw the wand ready. He got up the same time Jay did to take the wand out of the case smiling at how perfect it was. Flawless like the original, it was the perfect way to trick Uma into thinking she had the real wand." Not bad."

" Yeah. Wake up, Bella and let's go." Jay said making Carlos turn to see Bella passed out on his bed with a book on her chest. Jay turned opening the door to see Carlos staring at her." Carlos. Come on, wake her up."

" We should leave her." Carlos said turning to him with a sad look." Uma and the kids are ruthless. They'll hurt her."

" She'll be mad you left her."

" I rather her be mad at me then dead." Carlos said walking over to take the book off of her chest and cover her with a blanket." I'll be back, Princess." He said and kissed her forehead before leaving with Jay. They both made it out the castle till they got outside seeing Doug.

" Oh, hey, have you seen Evie?"

" Uh... She went camping." Carlos said being a terrible lair to Doug. He groaned to himself hearing how bad it was of a lie.

" Evie-I-want-to-live-in-a-castle sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hair dryer ?"

" You know how spontaneous she is, bro."

" Yeah. Totally. Totally."

" Later, Doug." Carlos said before turning and running into Lonnie, who knew everything that was happening.

" I'm coming with you guys."

" What ?"

" We don't need swords at the... Waffle Hut."

" You're going to the Isle to rescue Ben." She said shocking the two boys." Look, it's either you take me or I'm gonna have to tell Fairy Godmother."

" And me." Someone announced making them turn around to see an annoyed Bella. Carlos huffed seeing she was awake and walking towards them." I sleep for what five hours and you try to trick me."

" I was just-"

" Protecting me. Yeah, I know, but I can protect myself you know."

" Fine. You both can come." Jay said making Carlos glare at him for allowing Bella to come. Lonnie smiled widely grabbing both guys.

" Really ?!"

" Come on, Ben needs us." Bella said nodding her head and getting into the limo.

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