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Bella's Pov

Three Years Later

I stood in disaster watching my friends scrambling around yelling orders and grabbing things along the way. Today was December 8th, my wedding Day. I nervously tapped my foot against the floor wishing my nerves would settle, but every second a new thought came into mind. What if I fell ? What if Carlos changed his mind ? What if my wedding dress gets ruined ? The thoughts kept running and it didn't help watching my frantic bridesmaids.

" I got the bridesmaid dresses !" Evie shouted racing with the rack in her hands almost hitting Celia and Dizzy. Evie gasped loudly." Who has the wedding dress ?!"

" It's in the closet !" Jane explained sitting on one of the stools and getting her makeup done.

Evie nodded her head going to each dressing room and placing the dresses on the hooks for the girls to grab. I turned back to the mirror noticing my dark bags. God, I should of just slept last night. If only my mind wasn't running around crazy.

" What did I tell you about beauty sleep ?" Evie teased walking over and placing cold sponges on under my eyes.

" I couldn't sleep."

" Still worried ?" She asked and I nodded." it's wedding day and I am going to make you perfect. I'm going to make sure of it. Plus, Carlos loves you so much. The only way he's running is down the aisle to you."

" I look like a whale." Mal groaned taking a seat next to me and rubbing her swollen stomach. I smiled glancing down knowing my little niece was inside about to be here in a month.

" You look beautiful." I commented." How's little Mallory ?"

" Kicking like crazy." She laughed.

" Because she's excited her Aunt is getting married." Evie said causing the three of us to laugh.

Evie started with my makeup while Mal did my hair getting some tips from Evie on how to do a perfect curl. The theme mostly for my wedding was an ice palace so I was excited watching Evie do a beautiful diamond color eyeshadow on my eyes. Jane passed by wearing the ice blue bridesmaid dress and I smiled feeling more at ease.

" Hey." Ben called standing at the doorway." Mal, I need your help with my tie."

" Men." Mal groaned standing up slowly and waddling over to Ben doing his tie." You did the same thing on our wedding. I think Evie almost choked you with the tie."

" Almost." Evie sang.

" Very funny." Ben laughed coming up behind me."  You look absolutely beautiful."

" How is he ?" I asked turning in my seat nervous." Is he okay ?"

" Nervous. Very Nervous. Cruella keeps making him tea to calm down" Ben laughed rubbing my shoulders." I need to head back. Love you."

" Love you too." I breathed letting Evie continue on my makeup. By the time she was done, I heard laughter from the hall followed by my name.

" Bella !"

" In here, Mom !" I called hearing her heels click against the floor and smiled. She gasped covering her mouth and already I could tell she was crying.

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