Chapter Thirteen: I'm Here

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Third person pov

" If you guys never would have brought them here, this never would have happened. What were you thinking ?!" Mal yelled towards Jay, Evie, Carlos, and Bella.

They told her what happened and Mal was upset that Uma and her crew got their hands on Ben. Bella was worried and she stood behind Carlos still seeing Evie stand up for them.

" He was gonna come with or without us." Evie argued." That goes for Bella too. We just wanted to protect him."

" Yeah, and we completely blew it, guys." Carlos said while Bella rubbed his arms and looked to Mal.

" Okay. Okay. So, what are we gonna do ?"

" We are not doing anything." Mal said earning some confused looks. She walked down the stairs still looking to her friends." This is between Uma and me and she's a punk and guess what ? Now I have to go get him."

" Whoa, whoa, whoa. Mal." Carlos warned." You're still gonna have to go through Harry Hook and his wharf rats."

" Yeah, you're gonna need us." Jay said, but Bella turned to him.

" Uma said to come alone."

" Mal, come on."

" She said to come alone."

" I know one thing. I'm not going anywhere." Bella said towards the others and sat down on the couch looking to Carlos and Mal." And I mean it."

" We'll be here when you get back." Jay said and Mal left towards the chip shoppe while every relaxed.

Carlos went to his old spot to get some things he left behind. He looked in what was once his room to see nothing, but spray paint and a little blanket on the floor where he would sleep. When he came back, he saw it was only Evie and Jay in the room.

" Where's Bella?"

" Balcony." Evie answered and went back to what she was doing.

Carlos quickly walked to the balcony fearing that she was not there or being hurt only to hear her voice flowing in the air.

" Here comes a wave meant to wash me away.A tide that is taking me under." She sang looking over the Isle." Broken again. Left with nothing to say. My voice drowned out in the thunder. But I can't cry. And I can't start to crumble. Whenever they try. To shut me or cut me down. I can't stay silent. Though they wanna keep me quiet. And I tremble when they try it. All I know is I won't go speechless."

" You know it's not safe being out here by yourself." Carlos spoke walking over to see she never took her face away from The Isle.

I knew the isle was bad." She spoke softly." I told my parents a million times when I was little we had to come here. We had to see the conditions because the Isle are our people too. Each time he silence me. Told me I was too young to know what evil was, but I knew it my heart we needed to help the Isle. Sometimes, I would try to get here to see, but each time my dad or one of the workers would catch me. This...This is bad. No child should live here."

" But we did." Carlos said having Bella nod guilty.

" Harry...He's not a good person is he ?"

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