Twenty Six: Auradon's Fate

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Bella's Pov

I held Carlos's hand tightly while waking to the front of Auradon ready to leave and save our people. My family was in danger and I knew being on the Isle was wasting time. Carlos squeezed my hand and I looked to him seeing he had a smile on his face almost telling me without words that everything was going to be okay.

" I know." I whispered squeezing his hand back seeing we had made it to the bridge.

" Alright. Get in, get out." Mal said before turning." Jay, you good ?"

Jay nodded taking the remote out of his pocket." Yeah."

" Okay. Hold on." Mal warned holding her arms out and keeping us from the barrier. Jay clicked the button opening the barrier and letting us all out." Whoa." Mal gasped and I turned to see parts of her hair had turned blue along with her clothing.

" Blue is nice on you." I complimented liking the tint shades.

" You got a little Hades thing going." Evie teased.

Carlos nodded his head pointing to her hair." That thing packs a punch, huh ?"

I heard something come through the barrier and turned just in time seeing Gil and Harry roll there way in

" Carlos !" I yelled feeling his hand tense before he played me right behind him.

" We made it, bro." Gil cheered looking surprised towards Harry before hugging him." We made it."

Harry laughed before turning to us." Hey, guys. We're just coming for a little visit."

" Oh no." Jay growled walking up to the boys with Carlos to keep them out. Harry growled back before shoving Carlos a bit too hard for my liking.

" Hey, watch it !" I yelled, but Harry pushed Carlos again knocking in Mal.

" Hey !" Mal warned, but Harry hooked Mal and knock the ember right from her hand and towards the ocean." No !" Mal screamed.

That's when right out of the water came a tentacle and soon Uma had risen up showing us her evil smirk. I glared deeply wishing out of all villains in the land, it wasn't her.

" Drop something ?" She teased.

" It can't get wet !" Mal yelled out desperate to get the ember back into her hand." Give it back before it goes out."

" Uma ?" Harry and Gil gasped.

" That's my name." She teased waving her arms before raising them up and submerging under water.

" No !" I screamed feeling Carlos pull me back from the edge.

Soon the ocean tides turned into a large whirlpool of nothing but water and sea weed before bursting out wetting us all.

" Hi, boys." Uma said behind us holding the lit ember in her hand.

Harry laughed devilishly towards her." Welcome back."

" Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us." Gil spoke looking up to her.

" Yeah. Planning her revenge, no doubt." I snapped glaring as much as Mal was.

𝘖𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵: 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘰𝘴 𝘋𝘦 𝘝𝘪𝘭 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now