Twenty Eight: The Truth

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Bella's pov

Each step felt like a bomb going off not wanting to make a sound while in the dark forest. With my head low, I squeezed Carlos's hand tightly in reassurance that he was still in front if me since it was hard to see. Mal had a plan. She was going to get us through this and lead us to safety. My heart was thumping in my chest and I took a deep breath convincing myself some how that everything would be okay.

Suddenly, my hand was being pulled slightly to the left and I realized Carlos was guiding us towards a large clutter of trees. I crouched looking over Carlos's shoulder to see the cottage up ahead with smoke still coming out of the chimney.

" Bells," Carlos called taking a hold of my hand and following after Ben and Mal.

Mal opened the gate slowly hearing the creak from the rust before racing towards the door ad kicking it down. I followed after Carlos expecting Audrey to be standing inside, but it was completely empty. Jay quickly ran by me, taking the upstairs while Carlos and I looked in the kitchen.

" She's not upstairs." Jay called when the doors behind Ben started to rattle.

" Ben." I warned noticing he nodded at me from over his shoulder and opened the door only for the sight of Chad Charming curled up in a ball frightened.

" Chad ?" Ben questioned.

" I want my mommy." He replied, and when Ben went to go help him up, he backed away with fear in his eyes." No!"

" It's okay," Ben promised, slowly helping him up. I spared a glance at Carlos confused only to see Carlos had the same exact face." What happened, buddy?"

" Ben? Ben!" Chad yelled, finally realizing the people around him." Your face. She's gone? Huh? The door is open. I'm free. Freedom! Oh!" Chad screamed, racing pass us all and out the door in a blur." Freedom!"

Harry laughed loudly at Chad's antics while I shook my head and followed Uma out the door." That was...interesting."

" Who knew Audrey would break, Chad." I laughed feeling Carlos grab my hand and smiled intertwining our fingers.

" Ooh. All right." Uma laughed." Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already. What do you say, girl ? Time to wrap things up?"

" You know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up." Ben laughed.

" Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle once this is over," Evie spoke, bringing a small to my face.

" I have to tell you guys something." Mal interrupted turning with a disappointing look." I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the Isle."

" What?" I gasped even before my mind could stop me from speaking. I felt Carlos's hand go limp, but didn't bother to face him feeling my anger come out." What do you mean?"

" The program is shut down." Ben spoke from by my side slowly moving away and towards Mal." And the barrier...will be closed for good. For Auradon's safety."

" You lied ?" I snapped glaring at Mal knowing her words on the bridge was nothing, but a lie to benefit her.

" Hold up." Uma called, taking a step towards Mal shaking her head." So we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie. I knew it was a mistake to trust you." Uma yelled, pointing directly in Mal's face." You're always out for yourself."

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