Chapter Seven: Coronation

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Third person pov

Bella woke up and smiled feeling Carlos's soft breath on the top of her head. A smile grew and she cuddled closer to his chest a bit. She looked at the time to see it was eight am and if she didn't run to her dorm now, Evie and others would suspect something. She unwrapped from Carlos carefully and wrote a note and placed it on the side of his desk saying

Had to go get ready for the coronation.- Bella

Bella left his dorm and walked over to hers seeing Lonnie's bed was neat meaning she really did never come back. She groaned and got her stuff ready for the day. Chip heard the noise and woke up.

" Morning Bella, I was so tired I didn't hear you get up."

" Sorry Chip. It's time to turn you into a boy." Bella said and the cup groaned.

He got on the floor and she smiled. She reached into her pillow case and took out her red book filled with spells. She never showed anyone, not even Ben or her parents knew she had it. Bella knew how much Ben would hate it.

" Tho he may be soy for turning into a boy it's time to lift him up to not be a cup."

In one swish, Chip was a boy. He groaned and plopped on the bed." Great, I have feet."

Bella laughed" Hurry off now. Miss. Potts will want you to eat and dress you up for today."

" Okay, Bye Belly."

" Bye Chipy." She said and watched him leave before going to brush her teeth and washed her face. She finished when she was hearing a knock on the door." Come in !"

" Hey B, doing your hair and makeup." Evie said walking in making Bella smile. She followed Evie to their dorm and saw Mal was up early, but looked nervous.

" Nervous Mal ?"

" Yeah..." She said, but something was a bit distance.

" Don't worry. Just smile and wave." Bella said and sat on Evie's bed. Evie smiled and pulled out both Mal and Bella's dress." Evie this is perfect."

" Thank you. Let me start on Mal's hair." Evie said making Bella smile.

It didn't take long for the girls to be ready and have been set. Evie put Bella's hair into a bun and let little loose strands out. She placed Bella's crown carefully on her head and wrapped the scarf necklace around her neck. Bella was back in her room looking at herself since Evie and Mal went to look for Ben. A knock came to her door, so she opened it to see Carlos was ready.

" Wow. you look gorgeous." Carlos said and spun her around. Bella smiled and saw him holding something in his hands.

" What's that ?"

" Oh a muffin for later. Thought you might be hungry."

" Yum." Bella said taking the muffin and eating it.

" No !" Carlos yelled making Bella confused.""

" Like you ? Of course, but I'll pretend the love potion wearied off for you."

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