Chapter Nine: Ways To Be Wicked

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Third person pov

Mal shook her head after coming out of her vivid imagination. She noticed that two things were missing from the imagination. Bella and Ben. Why ? They would never be evil and Mal knew that. She looked in front of her more aware of where she was. Reporters were giving her questions after questions and some of them were just rude to ask her. Finally Ben butted in and when that didn't work. Fairy godmother got in. Mal and Ben talked for a little till Evie came over and grabbed Mal.

That's where the story starts. Bella was in Mal and Evie's dorm watching Evie fit Mal into her dress she needed for the cotillion. Everyone was different in the pass six months since the coronation. For one, Mal hair was long and blonde with purple tips at the end. Evie's hair was a bit straighten with little curls at the end, Bella's hair was dyed more darker. They looked more their age and acted like it. Bella was reading a book on Evie's bed while Mal groaned from how tight the dress was.

" Oh ! Okay, Evie, I cannot breathe."

" Well, you can breathe after cotillion." Evie said earning a groan from Mal.

" Plus breathing is a bit overrated." Bella joked earning a playful glare from Mal. Bella laughed and nodded." Trust me you'll be fine. You got this in the bag."

" Well, I sincerely doubt that. I have at least twenty more events directly behind it and I can't even remember what a single one of them is."

" That's why I'm here. I'm Ben's royal adviser and I help both of you. Mal, you're doing great. Everyone loves you for Ben, even me."

" Impeccable." Evie said not hearing what they were saying and kissed her hands proud of the dress on Mal. Seeing both Bella and Evie were missing what she was trying to say, she looked over to her jacket that was on the coat rack.

" Evie ?"

" Hmm ?"

" Do you ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the isle right now ?" Mal asked while Evie shook her head.

" That's funny. Ah ! Look who's on TV." Evie said helping Mal down and looking to the TV. Bella smirked and got up to stand next to Evie.

" As the Royal couple continues their tour of the kingdom, they dined with Aladdin and Jasmine. Six months ago, no one thought King Ben and his girlfriend from the wrong side of the bridge would last."

" Yeah. No kidding."

Bella rolled her eyes." Don't listen to them, Mal."

" Mal must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion." The lady said making Mal gasp when she looked at her ring." when she will officially become lady of the court."

Evie and Bella heard the sound of page flipping and turned to see Mal going through her spell book. Something she used and did not tell Ben, just like Bella has not told Ben she has one of her own.

" Read it fast at lighting speed. Remember everything I need." Mal said and grabbed a second book to read.

" I know Mal's secret to fitting in and Ben wouldn't like it one bit. Haven't you guys had enough secrets between the two of you already ?"

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