Chapter Sixteen: Cold Ocean Waves

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Third Person Pov

Bella fenced only Ben before since no girl was allowed to be on the team. She was skilled for one part, but the past memory was nothing compared to what was in front of her. She started to have a sword fight with a female pirate. Evie whipped around the corner fighting a pirate a bit impressed with the way she could handle a sword.

Mal saw Uma coming closer and closer to her. She fought her way before she turned seeing Uma smirk before getting her sword out. Good vs Evil. Carlos turned around to see Bella did a summersault before knocking two pirates over the edge.

" That's my girl." He smirked. At the same time, Gil quickly swung over and landed right on front of Ben. The King turned around shocked seeing the boy.

" Hey, Ben.

" Hey, Gil." Ben said before Gil took a sword out and started to fight him. When Ben got cornered, Carlos came and stopped the sword from almost slicing Ben.

" Get out of here, Ben ! Get Bella out of here too!"

" Where is she ?!" Ben yelled not knowing.

Carlos looked over to see Bella and Harry Hook had gotten into a sword fight. They both were fast, but Carlos could tell Harry wanted blood. Ben raced over to his sister, but Gil came around the corner again.

" Surprise !" Gil said swinging at Ben with a sword.

Ben ducked quickly and fought Gil till he dropped his sword and was surrounded by Gil and two other pirates.

" Ben !" Carlos yelled swinging over and knocking down one of the pirates while Jay ran over handing Ben a sword and fighting the other pirate.

Bella and Harry were in a heated fight. Bella could clearly see the craze in Harry's eyes each time he swung his sword.

Harry tangled their swords and laughed at the Princess." Is the pretty little princess getting tired ?"

Bella groaned stomping on Harry's foot and untangled there swords glaring." Nope. Just annoyed."

Harry yelled loudly slashing his sword, but Bella blocked it amazingly. Uma yelled loudly enough that it stopped both her pirates and the VK's.

" Take my freedom !" Uma yelled looking into Mal, Carlos, and Ben's eyes.

She turned her graze up to Bella and Harry still fighting before laughing. Carlos did not like the laugh and he felt his blood turn ice cold.

" I take your love."

" No Uma !" Mal yelled the minute Uma swung her sword back cutting rope.

Everyone watched the rope seeing it was the rope that was holding the ramp high up where Harry and Bella were. The two stopped their fighting and looked down. Harry smirked and jumped onto a safe walk way before slamming his foot down. The ground under Bella broke and there she was falling into the ocean.

" Bella !" Carlos screamed seeing her body collide with the water.

" She can't swim !" Ben yelled and in the blink of an eye, Carlos was running full speed while taking his jacket off.

Bella couldn't breathe. Every time she did water entered her lungs. She swung her arms and legs around, but it did not help. She was seeing the sunlight dim faster and faster while her head burned in pain and desperation. Carlos dived into the water and began swimming down seeing Bella's arm movement was becoming slower. The last thing she saw was a hand. Carlos made it to shore with Bella seeing the fight was still happening.

" Carlos ! Hand me her !" Jay yelled holding her arm out. He handed Bella over first before himself and looked down seeing she wasn't breathing or showing any form of life.

" She's not breathing !"

Evie ran over seeing the fight get worst." Come on, we have to go !"

Carlos picked his jacket up wrapping Bella in it before picking her up and following Evie and Jay making a path for them. Evie turned grabbing a smoke bomb from Carlos's jacket pocket and threw it having the blue spray everywhere. They all ran going through the pipeline. Carlos was shaking. Not from being cold, but because of the fact Bella was still not breathing. Evie opened the back limo and Carlos quickly placed her inside and on the couch. Evie came in afterwards while Jay and Lonnie sat in the front. Ben came through the pipeline, but turned seeing Mal at the very end.

" Mal !" Ben yelled from the other end of the tunnel.

The girl turned back around and ran before putting her sword in. When Ben came into the limo, Jay drove off quickly while seeing Carlos giving Bella CPR.

" Come on, Bella. Please." Carlos said lightly pressing on her chest before blowing air into her mouth.

He did the whole process again while Ben held Bella's hand hoping to feel something. Nothing happened. She was pale, cold, and her lips were purple.

" Bella, come on."

Carlos cried stopping what he was doing. Ben shook his head not believing it while still holding her hand. Evie covered her mouth shocked while Mal's eyes just hung open shocked. Lonnie heard everything from the front and bit her lip to stop crying. Jay reached over grabbing her hand which made her look to see he turned a bit pale.

"S-she...she can't be. Carlos. She can't be." Ben cried and Carlos nodded wiping the tears and looking to her.

" You right. She's not" Carlos said repeating CPR once again.

He was not going to give up. He was not going to let the Isle win once again and take what he loved. Bella was not going to fall into the trap of being another victim and Carlos was right. Bella gasped awake and turned on her side coughing up so much water. Carlos was shocked it actually worked and rubbed her back while Ben helped her to he side.

" Bella ! Bella, are you okay ?!"

" Ben ?" Bella gasped before she turned seeing everyone's happy face." I'm okay, but what did I miss ?"

Everyone laughed at that except Carlos. She noticed and looked over." Carlos-"

" How far are we from Auradon ?"

" Three minutes."

" Good." Carlos said not looking at Bella, but sat next to Evie with his head in his hands.

Everyone stood their awkwardly not knowing what to say. Ben was busy rubbing her back to make sure she was okay.

" Awkward."

" Dude, I know you can talk,but it doesn't always mean you should." Evie said to the dog that was in her arms. Dude just smiled not really caring.

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