Chapter Seventeen: It's a Date

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Third person pov

When they all got to Auradon, it was like nothing had ever happened. The only thing was the wide eyed people staring at the kids and twins. Mal didn't like the eyes and crossed her arms over her chest while looking down. Evie stood next to her while on the other side of her was Bella cold and shivering under a blanket they found.

" I'll get these back to the gym." Lonnie said making Jay nod his head.

" Thanks."

"See you later." Lonnie said waving to Ben and Mal.

" Ben, there you are." They heard to see Jane Fairy walking over." Cotillion's tonight. Come here. Look, this is the stained glass window for Mal. Isn't it beautiful ? She's gonna love it." Ben turned to Mal seeing how annoyed she was. He walked over lightly touching her arm.

" Do you want to cancel ?"

" Uh, you know what ? Uh, I can come back" Jane said about to leave, but Ben shook his head.

" No, no. No, no. Now's fine. Um, do whatever you need to do."

" Oh and before I forget, King Adam and Queen Belle wanted to speak with you." Jane said causing the twins to look at each other before swallowing hard.

They both nodded following Jane, but it was Bella to turn around and look to Carlos seeing he was looking to the ground still upset.

" What were you two thinking ?!" King Adam yelled while Ben and Bella stood in front of him hearing the lecture of a life time since Chad's big mouth slipped up." That Isle has the worst villains known to everyone ! Did it occur to you that Gaston is on that Isle ?!"

" Dad, we had to go." Bella argued.

" There is no excuse ! What would of happened if you guys got stuck there ?" Adam yelled before pausing to catch his breath and collect his thoughts. He then looked back to his daughter and squinted." Why are you wet ?"

Ben and Bella looked to each other scared, but they knew there was no way out of this." I fell into the ocean."

" You what ?!" Queen Belle yelled getting up from her chair and walking right next to her husband.

Ben quickly put his hand up." Mom, please-"

" I'm okay. I just fell off a little cliff and went into the ocean. Carlos saved me."

" Do you realize what could of happened if he didn't ?! You can't swim Arabella !"

" I know !"

" Do you really know ?! Arabella, you know that you are very sensitive in the world yet you're pulling things like going to the isle and diving into oceans !" Adam yelled which caused Bella to get a bit angry herself.

" Dad, I'm not sensitive ! Oh my god, stop treating me like that ! Yes, I almost died at birth and always was sick as a kid, but strong now and I can handle myself." She snapped, but she was not done there." You wanna know why we went to the isle. It's because Mal was being pushed off the edge with all the perfect dresses and perfect hair that she snapped and went back to join her roots."

" What ?" Queen Belle asked a bit shocked." Ben, is this true ?"

" Yes, I was busy being a King I didn't realize how much reporters and being the lady of the court was hurting her."

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