Twenty Nine: Daddy Issues

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Bella's pov

" She's slipping away."

I looked over to Evie seeing she was sitting by Audrey's bed side keeping tabs on the sleeping girl. She wasn't looking to good and it was a matter of time before we would lose her completely. I turned back to Carlos holding his hand while sitting on his lap. He wasn't exactly leaving my side and I knew it was because of the Gaston incident. His eyes focused on my gunshot wound and I kissed his cheek trying to get his attention away from it.

" There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this, and that's Hades." Mal spoke.

" Hades ?" Ben questioned." He wouldn't do it. I wouldn't risk it."

" Actually, he might do it for me. He's my father." She answered.

I noticed everyone's face around me and noticed even the VK's did not know except Evie.

" Wow, Ben." I laughed turning to my brother." You're in laws are literally Malifcent and Hades."

Carlos laughed along side me rubbing his hands against my back tired from what I could see.

" Well, we have to send the guards to get Hades." I commanded noticing Uma stand up from the corner.

" Maybe I can hitch a ride."

I slowly got off of Carlos's lap walking closer to Ben's side not wanting her to leave. Sure, she had tried to kill me once, but she proved she was more then just the evil sea witch. She was a person that just wanted better for her people.

" The Isle is my home." She continued." Someone needs to be there to protect it."

" Well, then, you will need your first mate." Harry stated holding her shoulders along side Gil.

" The Isle will be in very good hands." Mal spoke smiling over to Uma.

" Can I go, too ?" Celia asked sitting up from her seat.

I felt the tears start in my eyes and held onto Carlos's arm tightly wishing the child didn't have to return back to the horrid place just to be with her father.

" I wish I could be in both places."

" I really think that Evie was right." Mal said and I turned seeing it was Uma, who she spoke to." And...I do think that we could've been friends. And I'm really sorry that I lied to all of you guys. You deserved so much better than that."

" You were just trying to do the right thing. I get it." Uma forgave glancing to her pirate crew and taking steps out the door.

" Gil !" I called noticing he turned confused. I smiled walking over and kissing his cheek." Thank you for saving my family and I."

" You're welcome, Princess Arabella."

" We're friends Gil." I stated." Call me Bella."

He nodded his head holding his fist out and I laughed giving him a fist bump. He laughed himself before leaving with Uma and the others. I smiled turning to Carlos seeing he wrapped his arms around me instantly.

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