Chapter Three: R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S

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Bella's pov

I was in my dorm getting ready while Chip played in the sink in his little bubble bath. Today was the tourney game and for these I dressed a bit extra. I left my hair down and in my natural wavy's while wearing a yellow sun dress that looked very nice on her. I was putting some mascara on when Chip splashed making me cover my face and laugh.

" Chip! Watch it please."

" Sorry Bella. This is so fun !" Chip chuckled while I used my magic to take him out the sink and over into my hand.

I smiled and dried him up before placing him on my bed." All nice and clean. Thank you for the tea last night. I was having trouble sleeping."

" No problem, Bella." Chip said while she went to her closet to get a jacket out." By the way, Mama said I have to be a boy for the Coronation. That sucks."

" I will never get why you want to be a cup. Did your father tell you how much being a cup sucks ?"

" He said cups are fun." Chip replied when a knock came to my door." Maybe Lonnie forgot her key."

" Maybe." I said and walked over to see Carlos De Vil there. He looked up hearing the door opened and smiled." Carlos! Hey."

" Hey Bella."

" Oh is this Carlos! Hi." Chip said bouncing to the edge of the bed.

Carlos looked over a bit surprised to see Chip there giggling and bouncing." You have a talking cup." He muttered.

" Yes." I giggled picking Chip up from the bed, who giggled." Carlos, this is Chip Jr. Chip, Carlos."

" Hello Chip."

" Hi!"

" Chip, I'll see you after the Tourney game." I said having the cup jump back onto the bed and smile. I grabbed my bag and smiled while wewalked to class." May I ask why you came to my dorm today ?"

" Wanted to get to talk to you...and hopefully get some chocolate."

I laughed." Very funny. I heard Jay got into Tourney. Are you?"

" I don't know yet." Carlos said a bit nervous and took a cookie from his bag." I was making cookies last night. Want one? I made sure there were no nuts."

" Oh my gosh, Carlos I love cookies." I said biting into it and smiled enjoying the taste of it." Wow Carlos this is so good."

I looked over at Carlos and felt something come over me, but ignored it and licked the chocolate from my finger." You look really cute today." I said making him blush.

" Uh, thanks. You look beautiful as always." He said taking the rest of the cookie and putting it back in the zip lock. I shook my head and laughed nervously.

I liked Carlos, but I did not know where this confidence was coming from.

" Come on." I giggled grabbing his hand and walking to class. Carlos smiled and walked with me to history.

The day went by fast and I couldn't believe how close I was with Carlos. It first started in history. Carlos still did not have a book, so I shared with him. We  talked rather then listen to Mr. Richlane and I felt like I knew Carlos for years. Carlos would tell me about the Isle and I would tell funny stories of how I would prank Audrey.

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